Thursday, September 23, 2010

PS22 Chorus Gets A Makeover!

Check out the new look for the PS22 Chorus of 2011! The kids are really looking sharp in their new chorus shirts! Colors were inspired by Zendrig's brilliant blog header, and the picture of Renee, Skyh, and Victoria used in the design was originally taken by photographer Jordan Hollender from the kids' amazing Time Out NY for Kids Magazine cover feature.

New members Abigail (alto) & Marquis (soprano) have some fun displaying the fashion of 2011 below!


  1. I love the shirts! What a wonderful way to (continue to) give your students a greater sense of their group identity.

  2. Yea, I also like the shirts! ;-)
    To me the friendly, light colors represent happiness and the apparent effortlessness of their spectacular performances, while the 'simpsonified' image connects them stylistically to the legacy of former choruses.
    Does that make sense?

  3. I love it all! The shirts are gorgeous as is the new site design. I always go away feeling happier when I visit your blog!

  4. i love the video its nice


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-- MGMT. :)

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