Friday, September 24, 2010

Friends: Introducing Juan & Mohamed

One of the best aspects of working with the PS22 Chorus is witnessing long-lasting bonds formed, and I just know these two will be friends for life! Some of the MANY highlights of this video include Juan's theorizing on how he got into chorus as a fourth grader, Mohamed's modeling, and Juan's pronunciation of Bjork! Say it with me everybody......


  1. love love love-- that picture is so great! hope they both have a copy to look back on later in life and remember where the friendship started!

  2. They are so cute! And so funny, too. Hope their friendship lasts for a loong time.

    I'm gonna miss the 2010 chorus, but these kids look like they'll be a fun and talented bunch to follow as well.

  3. i love this video kaleb

  4. I had never heard of the PS22 Chorus until my friend posted them singing "One Day" w/ Matisyahu on FB. (Where have I been!!?) I could tell they all had soul and believed what they were singing... and it inspired me! Then these two kids are just too fun! Keep up the great work! Thank you!

  5. from~deziya
    l love ps.22 chourus they are the best nice song jaun good luck peace!!!!!!!!!
    Great work P.S.22 chourus.Ur drive,set it of for the class of 2010. P.s.22 you rock and thank u for sharing the very talents of our future endeveours.

  6. ebony & deziya, you girls are the sweetest! thanks so much!


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-- MGMT. :)

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