Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Time goes too fast sometimes"

Leah & Zaire way back in first grade!

To My Amazing PS22 Chorus of 2010,

Only 2 days gone, and I miss you guys already. There are no words for just how proud you've made your school, community, country, planet, and certainly your friendly neighborhood chorus director throughout this unforgettable year! This year alone you won a Webby Award, you sang for Beyonce & Lady Gaga at the Billboard Women in Music Awards, You appeared on the Tyra Banks show, Oprah, and more than several nationwide broadcasts. You appeared in a documentary of the incredible band Phoenix! You had a whole bunch of viral videos, and got a cake made for you by Ace of Cakes! You performed with Celtic Woman, Common, Queen Latifah, Travis Garland, Matisyahu, Jarrod Gorbel, and even sang for the president of the United States! You've conquered the world in the most awesome way imaginable, through song. You taught people all over the true meaning of harmony, and with heart and humility, you've managed to wield your awesome power keeping true to yourselves. That was obvious by what you said in your farewell messages.

So to say I'm proud of you just doesn't seem to cut it. But let it be said it's been my honor to be your guide and ringmaster throughout this traveling circus of a year! I've had a blast with you guys, and it has enriched my life for having known each and every one of you. So I leave you with this lyric from, "Stay With Me," because it says it all. "I'm so grateful that I've known you."

Karinna at the 2004 Holiday Show!

Ashley & Gregorio in first grade!

And super huge thanks to Ms. Lisa, Mrs. Johnson, & Ms. Laurie for always being there unasked. You guys are the best and the chorus and I are so lucky to have you! All three of you always give so much of yourselves for no other reason than that's just the kind of people you are. The kids and I love you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


  1. Anythong that i could do to help, count me in!

  2. This just made my day.... PS22 is something that just has the incredible power of pure beauty...

  3. I miss them aready... are you guys getting together anytime this summer?

  4. Dear Greg -

    Thanks so much for having the kids speak about what the Chors has menat to them. They reveal great wisdom, and in doing so, show how music tranforms.

    Bruce Gardiner

  5. I am suffering...really grieving the loss of the 2010 Chorus. All those kids, with their stunning climax of TV appearances, the MJ tribute, the Webby and the Radio City finale...have struck their tents and moved on.

    I am sure many of the kids will move on to great things, armed with the skilss and insights they gained during this year.

    But for me, and the rest of us living out here in You Tube Land, tThey live now only as a memory. of course it's a memory mediated by tons of videos.

    What an incredible journey! But what a sudden end!! Here today and then no more.

    I know that Azaria and the 2011 crew are headed this way, but to realise that there will be nothing more from the more of Ethan'a antics or Jasmin's every-changing hairdos, or Brielle' stunning solos and beauttul halo, or Clarissa' sincerity, or Miguelito's mystic sense, or Leah's poise,'s a serious pain with lots of real tears, even now.

    This whole blessed thing is a miracle...and you Mr. B are a miracle worker. Thanks for much for all you are doing.

    Bruce Gardiner

  6. @Bruce: Couldn't agree more. Not to forget: No more original songs by Fiona... :-(

  7. plz gregg can you guys get together this summer i cant let go of this summers chorus theres something about them that makes them different than any other one of the choruses you had in the past i just cant let these ones go

  8. Hiii, i am from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I love you all, PS22 Chorus is everthing of good!!!!

    Kissessssssss =D


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-- MGMT. :)

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