Sunday, June 27, 2010

Stay With Me

At our last rehearsal before graduation, the PS22 Chorus of 2010 joined me on a rendition of a song I wrote called "Stay With Me." The lyrics really hit home for everybody that day, and it made for an emotional send-off. The song brought out the feelings of both pride and melancholy that all in the room were feeling with regard to saying goodbye to each other and an amazing year.

So many people ask me how hard it is when the kids leave after everything the group experiences together..... Answer: Yeah, very.

And lastly, sincere apologies to Mr. George in Wisconsin....


  1. Yes, its bittersweet, but the thing is, u get to enrich more lives!. That's the beauty in it, everyone learns and experiences different personalities.. Its not goodbye, its, I'll see u again...
    Beautiful song...

  2. There's always one teacher we remember for the rest of our lives. For all the kids you have and will have in chorus, YOU will be that teacher. You care, you encourage, you treat them with respect and show your love. They will never forget you. What you give to these kids goes beyond just music. You should be very proud of yourself. It has to be difficult saying goodbye to these kids. You know what, you are a very special person.

  3. I ALWAYS FEEL SO SAD WHEN I WATCH THIS VIDEO I just can't stop crying to tears

  4. I can't believe this is the final (or almost final) post with the 2010 chorus. It's been great to watch you grow up and to share in part of your lives. You have done amazing things and meet incredible people. You have learned more than just notes and rhythms-- based on your own words you have learned kindness and compassion as well as self confidence. You have been blessed to have had great teachers that let you experience this all and a great leader in Mr. B. You will take with you invaluable memories and you have left a great legacy!

    Thank you for the music, the smiles, and the tears!

    Go out and conquer the world--

  5. This is JUST like last year's "Pictures of You". :'( I love you guys soooooo much. I'm going to miss the 2010 group... too many goodbyes! :((( I'm practically crying now, and i haven't met any of you guys in person!

  6. I have enjoyed following the 2010 chorus so much, and given how much I'm gonna miss them, I can't even imagine what it's like for you. But at the same time, I'm looking forward to seeing what the 2011 chorus will be like.

    Julian is pretty much the most adorable kid ever, though :)

  7. Yo- why? ....a grown 40 yr old man crying AGAIN in front of his wife...I would not change anything - nor would she! PS 22 Chorus - inspires me to be better...@ Eddie Real Men do cry! Thanks so much for liftin' me throughout a very difficult year! PS 22 chorus brought hope to my often hopelessness! Many Blessings to all of you!
    Paz y Justicia-

  8. Mr.B..
    I wasnt even in chorus this year..and hearing you sing this song..brought me to many memories came flooding in!! As im writing this im crying!! Being in the chorus changed me! I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!! I wish i could come back..even just for one day..with everyone from last yr and have chorus again!! WOW-this whole video brought back memories!! Justin C. = Jared ...Julian= Me ...Nicole=Giuseppe..I cant wait too see you again!!
    <33 xox Allie

  9. This is fantastic, I want to have this song on my iPod. I can't describe but this song gives me pleasure.
    And I'm sure not many kids would cry for their teachers. You must be a really really special teacher.

    Fabi from Berlin (GER)

  10. great job on the life of these great kids!! I hope remembering all the great moments help these amazing children grow up to be great men and women for the future, giving up the love they learned from this chorus experience!!! CONGRATS for everyone!! great job, Mr. B!

  11. i miss u mr.b i remember the year i met u it was kindergarden i had a lot of fun. u always told stories and i thought wow this is my favorite teacher. Then when u put me in ur christmas show and i was thrilled tht u would do tht. for fourth grade u put me in chorus and i had fun. then fifth grade and u and the rest of the chorus showed me wht it was like to have two big families tht love u a lot but since people think tht chorus is over i say to myself its not over we still have the chorus in our hearts. OH and ps ITS ME KARINNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. thanks karinna for that beautiful message!! missing u and the gang, but i can't wait to hear all about the great things you accomplish in intermediate school..... :)

  13. hey mr.b i miss u so much and i'm going into 7th grade i can't believe it. i'm so proud of myself for pushing myself and to not be lazy with my school work and it really paid off because i got good grades and i'm still in the honors class. i even took a break from dance school so the school work combined with late nights on the weekend wouldn't overwelm me any more. i really miss u and i hope to hear from u again.

    p.s. it's karinna

  14. yay karinna! so proud to hear your doing so well!! it was fantastic seeing you the last day of school! miss you and that amazing voice!! :)

  15. heyy mr.b its karinna i just wanted to know if u posted the video of me singing on the last day of school. if u dont remember wht im talking about its the song jar of hearts. bye thank u for ur time.

  16. of course i remember -- it was amazing! i haven't posted it yet, but keep checking the blog -- it should be up before summer's end! :)

  17. I want to come back and visit. I would like to sing for you again. I miss you
    - karinna


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-- MGMT. :)

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