Monday, June 28, 2010

2010's Farewell Performance at Radio City Music Hall

What more appropriate place for the PS22 Chorus of 2010 to give its farewell performance of the school year than at the one and only Radio City Music Hall?! That's just where the kids sang their swan song(s) today, singing 2 songs for the National Conference of Volunteering and Service! The event was hosted by Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, and had many high profile types in attendance, such as Hank Azaria, Neil Bush (George W.'s brother who was nice enough to come downstairs to the kids' green room to tell them how much he enjoyed their performance!) and Mayor Michael Bloomberg among others.

The PS22 Chorus is introduced here by Al Roker, and sings "I'll Stand By You" by The Pretenders, which certainly is one of the songs this year's group will be remembered for...... The chorus did a fantastic job, and Brielle was perfect on the solo! This led way to the entrance of the mayor, who was sad that he wasn't invited to sing with PS22..... :(

Here the kids are singing one of their biggest viral hits this year, "Empire State of Mind Pt. XXII" by Jay-Z & Alicia Keys. They did an awesome job on it, and even got a second standing ovation! 2 for 2!! Dominique outdid herself, performing her solo to perfection, and Sarah did a phenomenal job on the rap, and she only found out this morning that she was covering for a missing Messale!

Thanks to Mrs Johnson and Ms. Laurie for the awesome vids and pics! More below!

On Stage

The Green Room

Sandy & Kayla

Neil Bush with the PS22 Chorus


  1. You R th Best, simply AMAZING
    tears in my eyes

  2. Mr. B -

    My sister and I were at NCVS watching the opening plenary, when the curtains drew back and I saw you and your incredible students on the stage. Immediately I said to her "I know these kids!!" -- I had, of course, seen you all on Perez Hilton :)

    I felt so lucky to be able to see you live...and I didn't even stand in a long line or fight for tickets to such a special show! We watched, in awe, as you jammed out on the piano and these young, but brilliant, vocalists had a crowd of adults speechless and close to, or in, tears.

    In the span of just two songs I felt inspired by you and your kids to go out in the world and "do good" -- And just when I thought the show was over and I was ready to put the experience PS22 had given me to good use, there you were standing outside the stage door! I couldn't believe my luck. Why weren't there throngs of people waiting to shake your hand?! I wondered. I felt the need to tell you how fantastic the performance was, and that we share a common bond as we are both teachers, but I don't think I did a good enough job!

    I can't describe how inspirational your work is. You and your students are a shining example of why music education should remain in schools and how important teachers are in their students lives. In short, because of this fortuitous performance by your chorus I have been impressed, humbled, and inspired to make the 2010-2011 school year my own students' best.

    Thank you, not only for being at NCVS, but also for showing us all how very special it is to be a teacher :) I look forward to following PS22 as long as you're there!

    - Courtney Bergquist


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-- MGMT. :)

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