Tuesday, June 08, 2010

New York Times Congratulates PS22!

Check out this awesome blog post from the New York Times congratulating the kids on their Webby award!


  1. Congratulations to each and every one of you...in the PS 22 Chorus, including Mr. B. The Webbie confirms the achievement that your dedicated fans around the world have known for the past couple of years. YOU GUYS ROCK. You make every song you do better. That may sound incredible, but from my perspective it's so true.

    Let your love continue to grow tall...let your gratitude grow even taller still ...And let your dreams grow as far as your imagination and hard work will take you--God only knows where that will be.

    As the year draws to a close, I can only say I'm gonna miss you guys...and all your new video posts...so, so much.

    In gratitude,
    Bruce G.

  2. The firestorm of accolades and press recognition continues... EVERY BIT of it very well deserved--

    I hope the kids realize just how amazingly special they are in their talents, humility, and with their power to make the world just a little better by being in it!

  3. Mr. B ... what is TRULY amazing about you is that you obviously have a gift for music in every sense of the word. But instead of using it for your own gain of fame and fortune, you have chosen to help so many others realize their own gifts. What a blessing you are and what an amazing example you have set for the rest of us watching eagerly from the sidelines. I can't imagine the time and effort that must go into your work, but I can tell you that it is VERY much appreciated. I aspire to your vision for our children!

  4. I just read that the Webby Awards are famous for their 5 word acceptance speeches. Have you come up with something yet?

  5. mr b, your are such a genious and theses kids are so amazing. congrats for the outstanding work.


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-- MGMT. :)

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