Friday, June 11, 2010

I'll Stand By You

There are some days that the chorus just gets me, and today those kids got me good. This is one of the most beautiful accomplishments in PS22 Chorus history -- from the genuine heartfelt performance of the kids, to the precision of harmonies, to Brielle's beautiful soloing. Today I am an extremely proud music teacher.....

The song is "I'll Stand By You," originally by The Pretenders, and written by Chrissy Hynde, Tom Kelly & Billy Steinberg. I'm not sure it's ever been more potent than it is as presented here by our favorite ten year olds.


  1. Beautiful! I have no other words.

  2. U can definitely hear the sincerity in their voices!. This would bring tears to anyone listening... Good job guys!.

  3. Brought a tear to my eye. Beautiful.

  4. What am I going to do all summer when PS22 isn't in session?!?!?!

  5. wow...this is such a POSITIVE release of these kids emotions--they are so pure and felt by those who listen to them. THANK YOU for these beautiful songs, they amaze me every-time I listen to them.

  6. Such wonderful harmonizing. That definitely got me teary-eyed. Good job kiddos!

  7. At the all works out...from the many, one harmonious voice. The melody, the lyrics, the harmonies, the emotion...everything all together. So very beautiful..words simply can't do it justice.

    I'd be proud to stand by you all, anytime.

    Congratulations,guys. Congratulations Mr. B....


  8. Incredibly moving. One of my all-time favourite songs, and you've made it even better.

  9. These kids give me goose bumps every time I watch, but this song - AMAZING!

    Keep singing kids! and

    Keep making such an awesome difference in these young lives Mr. B!!!

  10. I feel heartwarmed and I'm very impressed. Thanks for those videos!

  11. I just cried like got blotchy cried! But here's the weird thing I hear it everydayyyyy.... And right now, this time, BABY CRYING! love it and love you!!!!

    Ms. M :)

  12. Good evening everybody!

    You are maybe not going to believe it but I am writing to you from France! Just wanted to tell you how much I am impressed, how much you can make me cry and give me the shivers. You are beautiful! You sing like angels to me! You can be proud of yourselves! I don't know where you are, but if it is simply in England, I would love to arrange a trip with my pupils to see you!
    Carry on!

  13. Couple of thoughts:
    1. I wish I had this in school.
    2. To all the kids that got made fun of for being involved with Music. Hang in there.
    3. Get involved in acapella in College.
    4. This is amazing, and do not let anybody take this experience away.
    5. Continue to have fun, and enjoy the fruits of this hard work you guys have put in.


    -Jarrod (Seattle)

  14. Hooray from Germany! I even like your version better than the original! Great singing and I loved to hear Brielle again. I missed her since she did outstanding with Halo and Pearls! All the best Rike

  15. Oh, wow. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
    I needed this moment of Grace.
    You all have reminded me why I love, why I care, why I teach.
    Thank you for the gift.

  16. AMAZING. Absolutely amazing.

  17. I stumbled upon your chorus on youtube when looking for an old favorite (Under the Milky Way). Loved that one, this one by the Pretenders and I'm sure I'll spend the rest of the night enjoying such talented young voices.

  18. So beautiful. I love watching these kids sing, what an amazing group of kids and an amazing teacher!!

  19. Amazing! I don't know what rock I've been under but there is nothing more heart warming than listening to kids sing. So many favorites. GREAT WORK ALL

  20. I just want to say... Thank you.

    Hugs from Poland.

  21. This video made me smile like an idiot. Then I showed my husband and we're both sitting here smiling like idiots. Thank you, PS22. All the best from Montreal, Canada.


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-- MGMT. :)

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