Friday, March 19, 2010

Stay Awake

Here is the chorus performing "Stay Awake" from Mary Poppins. Though I'd seen the movie with Julie Andrews performing this, I really fell in love with the song upon hearing Suzanne Vega's version on the album STAY AWAKE, which featured contemporary artists covering songs from Disney movies. Since then I've heard it covered by The Innocence Mission and others, and I think the PS22 Chorus of 2010's version is right up there with the best of 'em. AND they only started learning it today!


  1. LOL at the ending....

    Ontario, Canada

  2. Totally awesome song with a great ending! Great job for getting that in one day--and keeping the sound so tight! You seem to be mastering your craft with breakneck speed! Keep it up!

    ... and clearly I got the message ;)

  3. One day? Outstanding! I am just amazed.

  4. How about doing Alicia Keyes' "Superwoman"?

  5. who was that girl sitting in the 3rd row

  6. Amanda, from the PS22 Chorus of 2006. (She's amazing! Check her out singing respect from 2006!)

    Amanda sings Respect at Radio City

  7. i feel kinda sleepy now *yawn* it kinda hard for me to stay awake now!
    (snore) :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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