Saturday, March 20, 2010

Phoenix Sings The Praises of PS22 To The Guardian

The PS22 Chorus is appearing in tomorrow's edition (in fact it's already tomorrow across the Atlantic!) of the Guardian in an article about Phoenix, the group responsible for "Lisztomania." The band bestows some high praises for the chorus's version of their song, and it really was very rewarding to see what they had to say. Also, this marks the fourth time PS22 has found its way into the pages of The Guardian, one of the most influential newspapers in the world. Check out what they had to say about PS22 below, or see the full article on


  1. WHAT A PHENOMENAL WEEK!!! (and month... heck the entire school year)

    It can't be said enough that hard work and dedication pays off and the success you are having just proves it! What is equally amazing is how humble and grounded the kids stay even with all the media and star attention. Keep doing what you do and providing us all with great music, hope, and inspiration!!

  2. You guys always amaze me! I would love to see a collaboration between PS22 and the Young at Heart Chorus.

  3. OMG that is so awsome but these kids deserve it thier awsome in what they do and mr.b keep doin wat your doin because honestly its definitly paying off(:

  4. They have fans in Australia!
    Love these kids so much .
    talented, inspiring, beautiful bunch.

    incredible job with everything you do with them :)

  5. You are a great example of REAL education: Helping kids to find something they love doing and feeling valued. You are doing much more good than training kids to pass tests. Keep going. Still telling teachers all over the UK about your work. Chris Quigley

  6. I just would like to congratulate you guys for you amazing work. I'm a huge Phoenix fan from Lisbon, Portugal and whaen I saw your version from Lisztomania I was blown away! Just amazing!

  7. you guys are amazing and need to put songs on iTunes!!


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-- MGMT. :)

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