Monday, March 01, 2010

Last Whiff of Celtic Woman....

Arrived are the last two videos from our amazing day with Celtic Woman at PS22. The first is a montage of CW teaching the kids "Spanish Lady" for their performance at Radio City Music Hall. This video shows the ladies of Celtic Woman and their director David Downes teaching the kids the encore for the show. And with Celtic Woman teaching, who could ever say learning can't be fun??

And here is the piece de resistance of our videos with Celtic Woman. I personally think this is the most potent musical accomplishment to come out of our collaboration with the group, and it kills me every time. I might even prefer this to the magnificent Radio City version, which, don't get me wrong, ALSO gets me every time But this one is just a little bit extra special -- it's more personal, the kids & CW are in peak form, and it's a more tender approach. Even Lisa Kelly gets a little choked up at a point when she's singing lead and the kids come in. This is what beautiful music is all about, right here in this video.

The kids also got a beautiful message from Chloe Agnew today.

Hey there Gregg and all my new PS22 best buddies...

I just wanted to send a little thank you from me and to tell you how amazing you all were over the last few days. I hand on my heart mean it when I say, it was without a doubt one of the best weekends I've had in my whole life. I grew up singing in loads of different choirs, and looking at you guys made me wish I had been surrounded by the love you all have for music,the team spirit you have, and I wish I had been as lucky to have someone as brilliant and cool as Mr.B for a teacher!!!!

I hope you are all very proud of yourselves for what you have achieved so young. Like I said the other night,YOU inspire ME to keep singing and to keep lovin' what I do!!!

I want you guys to always believe in yourselves and promise me you won't ever let anyone tell you you can't do something, cause once you believe in yourself you can do whatever you want to do.
You are the nicest,coolest,most talented people I've ever met and I hope we get to get to sing together sometime in the future.

Know that all of us Celtic girls are your biggest fans and we all love you....(especially me!! heehee!!!)

Keep on rockin'!!!! :-)
Love always...


Thanks to Mrs. Johnson and Ms. Lisa for the awesome video and pics on this post! Make sure you catch the first installment from our rehearsal with Celtic Woman, the NY1 coverage, and the already legendary appearance together at Radio City Music Hall.

It's just amazing how quickly bonds can be formed. We can only hope the powerful and instantaneous bond between Celtic Woman and the PS22 Chorus is something that will pull us all together again soon.


  1. I totally think that you all should do a CD in the future no less tour together! I would definitely love that!

  2. seriously love everything about this post!

    You guys are absolutely inspiring to every age group and every walk of life... the power you wield in your enthusiastic voices and genuine spirit in astounding...

    I know how Celtic Woman feels!

  3. All of you kids are so blessed to have such an amazing teacher to support and encourage you!! All of you not only sing...but also SHINE! So AMAZING!!!! Keep these memories close to your heart and keep reaching for those stars!;)

  4. It feels like such an understatement but Celtic Woman really deserves a prominent spot on the next PS22 header. ;-)

  5. Wow. I think this may be the most beautiful performance I've seen your chorus do.

  6. Absolutely wonderful. What a way to start the day!

  7. Thank you so much for the blog posts and the amazing videos from this truly special event. What a class act Celtic Woman is and what a fine group of kids PS22 is. You are to be commended, Gregg, for what you have created there. Brilliant little lights that will shine in the skies of many in the years to come just as the artists of Celtic does for so many of us now.

  8. WoW!!!!!!! What an absolutely heart-moving, amazing time to capture! Lisa wasn't the only one getting choked up hearing them sing, I can promise you that!!! There really is something truly heavenly when you hear children sing together like that, and to hear them sing that song particularly couldn't be more fitting and more perfect. Chloe absolutely nailed it when she said all of you with the PS22 Chorus inspire us to more than we think we can be. You absolutely, truly do....God bless you all, you are truly wonderful!!!

  9. hi mr. B its lucresse! today is avery's birthday! i really, really, really like this version of spanish lady with celtic woman and i also really, really, really like the radio city version too. (i like what the chorus did with thier shoulders :))

  10. lucresse, you're just the sweetest! thanks!! and wish avery a happy b-day for me! :)

  11. Omg I saw your movie trailer I LOVED IT please make a cd of it pleaseeeeeeeee!

  12. OMG! I watched the movie trailer and it was AWESOME! PLEASE MAKE A CD OF IT PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


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