Sunday, February 28, 2010

Celtic Woman & PS22 Chorus at Radio City Music Hall!

Last night, the PS22 Chorus of 2010 saw the culmination of their hard work this week preparing for and with Celtic Woman for the absolutely brilliant show that took place at Radio City Music Hall in New York City! The kids helped to bring the house down, joining the group on two fantastic renditions of Celtic Woman's most beloved songs: "You Raise Me Up" and "Spanish Lady."

The experience was so much more than the music -- just being in each other's presence and making such a strong connection of the heart... We'll never forget it. It was a glorious night of fun and music, and it's safe to say that nobody left that theater with anything but a huge grin from ear to ear! (Though admittedly, I can't seem to get through the video of "You Raise Me Up" without welling up a bit.) Celtic Woman, their entourage, and their fans have all completely embraced PS22 and have helped make this collaboration that much more special and memorable. We thank you all!

And today the PS22 Chorus got an e-mail from Lisa Kelly, who writes:

Hi Guys,

Hope you got to have some rest after your very exciting night! I think I got to say goodbye to all of you. But if I didn't I'm sorry and again just want to tell you how amazing I think all of you are. You did an incredible job and should be so very proud of yourselves.

Keep up your singing and listen to Mr Greg!!! It's so cool to do what you do.
Be safe and stay in touch

Love always
Lisa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATE 2-28-10: Check out two beautiful blog posts from Celtic Woman's Lisa and Mairead about their time with PS22.

Celtic Woman tweeted this morning about the show with a beautiful shout out to PS22 included. Check it out below.

Big thanks to Ms. Lisa & Mrs. Panzella for capturing the incredible moments last night with these beautiful videos and pics that the kids will always have to inspire and help them remember that dreams do come true! And last night was proof positive.

Now enjoy some more pics!


  1. Mr B - Thanks for these. Was so looking forward to this I dragged my lazy bones out of bed early Sunday hoping you might have taken some of your valuable sleep time to post them. Thanks! You and the group are incredible. Everytime I think (Tori, then Passion Pit, then the Christmas Tree lighting) that "can't top that" - you folks find a way. A question. You could tell from the Passion Pit experience the group can be a little uncomfortable without you directing. It obviously worked beautifully, but how did you handle that here?

  2. Thanks! I was directing from offstage. :)

  3. Amazing,as always!
    Very proud of you.

  4. I so wish I was there...what a treat for every at Radio City last night. It truly seemed like a magical experience! It is so heartwarming to see people embrace the kids in such a genuine way!

    KUDOS to the kids for adding their beautiful voices to such an amazing performance-- what a thrill!

    Thanks to Ms. Lisa and Mrs. Panzella for getting such great stuff-- (as well as anyone else that was there to help as well)


  5. I am so glad that your kids had an amazing time with celtic woman!! they are so wonderful and they embrace others so kindly!!!!!!!

  6. that was such an exciting day full of joy laughter and especially love from the ps22 family and the celtic woman were really nice and pretty but any way that was a day i think nobody will forget ms.lisa ms.panzella ms.laurie and the one and only mr.b you guys are awsome i couldn't ask for anyone better than you

  7. OMG, way to go guys! You all were excellent! Wish I was there in RCMH cheering you on, but I thought about you guys last night from home!

    Awesome job!

  8. Chloe's introduction of PS22 before You Raise Me Up was so eloquent and heartfelt, so touching. It was as beautiful to listen to her little speech as it was to hear the song itself.

    Chloe + PS22 = a match made in heaven.

  9. WOW...these kids have come so far in a few short months. GREAT, great, GREAT.

    I really liked the Thursday posts, when CW and PS22 "hanging out" and signing. A great day for PS 22 and for Celtic Woman.

    Mr.B - I know you need no encouragement...but keep up the excellent work. You are not merely saving lives you are augmenting the quality of sooooo many lives


  10. The kids did a great job, I wish I could have been there!! Jasmín had a great time, both on and off stage.

    Thank you Mr. B for posting (and for doing what you do!). And thank you to Celtic Woman for taking their time to make the kids feel special and appreciated, I appreciate that!

    Jasmín´s mom.

  11. The kids did a great job, I wish I could have been there!! Jasmín had a great time, both on and off stage.

    Thank you Mr. B for posting (and for doing what you do!). And thank you to Celtic Woman for taking their time to make the kids feel special and appreciated, I appreciate that!

    Jasmín´s mom.

  12. Oh, you make me cry ALL the times...Congratulations for your succes and I think you did great! Hugs from Germany, Rike

  13. What a beautiful get together with the PS 22 Chorus and Celtic Woman at Radio City Music Hall performing “You Raise Me Up” and “Spanish Lady” together. Awesome!

    Mr. Greg, incredible kids - thank you, Ms Lisa & Mrs. Panzella thank you for your beautiful video’s and pictures.


  14. Saw you all that show! You were amazing! I saw your videos with Ithacapella and found you all to be so incredible and inspirational! I was so excited when you guys appeared on stage at the Celtic Woman concert! Congrats on your success and keep up the fantastic work!!!!

  15. hey... i was kind of wondering if you could post a link or something that showed the kids on television singing with the Celtic Woman at their show... if that's possible. please & thank you!

  16. I had an awesome time!!!! Thanks for the invite! They were awesome!

  17. The big key change in "you Raise Me Up" completely gave me goosebumps! I love how the kids show how they're feeling the music and giving it their all!


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-- MGMT. :)

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