Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sweet Sweet Wikipedia!

This song lyrically and otherwise was a perfect fit for the PS22 Chorus. Our interpretation is to feel your way through life rather than think it. That pretty much sums up our approach to music, so here's another short and sweet accomplishment from Tuesday's practice. It's a pretty obscure song called "Sweet Sweet Intuition" from the one and only Bjork. Love Erica's little solo at the end. The kids and I were listening to the song and trying to figure out what Bjork was saying there. So of course we decided it had to be, "Try. Set Your Wii." No corrections necessary. ;)

This song is a thank you to PS22 Chorus mega-fan Zendrig, who not only designed our amazing blog header, but put together the PS22 Chorus Wikipedia page. Yep, PS22 Chorus is on Wikipedia!! Check it out!


  1. Kudos to the kids for another AMAZING song!! You just keep getting better and better every performace!

    A big high 5 to Zen for the final version of the Wiki as well as a great request!

    Greatness all around :)

  2. You're SOO Amazing!!!!!!

    I had to cry soo hard when i watched your videos and i can't wait to see your next performances!!!!!:D

    Go on!!! 2010 will be your year:D!!!!

    My compliments=))
    Ann (from Germany)

  3. woohoo!
    Let me tell you, I'm deeply grateful for this wonderful dedication.
    As usual, your interpretation reinvents and IMO completely surpasses the original song.

  4. oh, almost forgot:
    *high fives Suz* :)

  5. wow erica rocks in that solo short but sweet when you sing it you feel the emotion but when you here it you see how much you have accomplished you cry including thanks to some one really special to make that happen and that people are called ms.lisa,ms.johnson,and the one person if it wasnt for him the chorus wouldnt even be here MR.B WHOOOOOOOOOO

  6. that grl sings her heart out ...............all the time

  7. forgot to mention that I think Erica ROCKS on the solo bit at the end! So many strong voices-- I love seeing a variety of soloists! KEEP IT UP!

  8. What a great resource!


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-- MGMT. :)

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