Friday, January 15, 2010

Empire State of Mind Pt. XXII

The PS22 Chorus of 2010 delivers big time on the New York anthem by Jay-Z & Alicia Keys, "Empire State of Mind!" Props to Dominique & Messale for amazing jobs on the lead vocals & rap (respectively). And of course to Ethan for a well-deserved happy dance at the song's conclusion. We based our version more on the Alicia Keys Part II version, but as a tribute to Jay-Z, the kids and I created our own little rap in general music. 2010 is proving to be an extremely prolific year for the PS22 Chorus!

UPDATE (1-16-10): The "Empire State" video has already earned four Top 40 YouTube Honors (including the the #39 Top Viewed Music Video), in less than 24 hours of being posted! We'll update as usual until it peaks.

UPDATE 2 (1-16-10): New York Magazine has posted the video on their website with a nice short review! And the kids are featured prominently on their home page!

UPDATE 3 (1-17-10): Just got word that Aussie pop superstar, Kylie Minogue, put a link to the vid on her Twitter page, saying she loves the kids!

Update 4 (1-18-09): Awesome to discover that Alicia Keys herself tweeted about and linked to the PS22 Chorus version of her song with great enthusiasm! Humbled and honored!!

UPDATE 5 (1-19-10): MSN featured the PS22 Chorus version of "Empire State Of Mind" on their homepage on Tuesday!

UPDATE 6 (1-21-10): The "Empire State" vid has made its way to the "Best of Bing" list, which you can find by just clicking on the "Videos" link on the popular search engine!

UPDATE 7 (1-22-10): Thanks to Ashton Kutcher for adding to the now 100,000 views this video has earned by linking to it on his Twitter page!

UPDATE 8 (1-23-10): The video is still scoring impressive honors on YouTube, including #38 Top Favorited Music Video this week!


  1. ethans happy dance is awsome and massale im sure that all people eat and i remeber after that the whole chorus broke out laughing our buts no what since he made us laugh we'll let him live this time JUST KIDDING

  2. hey mr. b its lucresse. yesterday was my b-day and i turned 11. i really like the ps22 version of empire state of mind! :)

  3. happy birthday lucresse!! and thanks!

  4. This is a great article as they all are. I from been wondering less this an eye to some measure now. Its great to receive this info. You are objective and balanced.

  5. Genial post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.

  6. Incredible! I'm glad I found you guys - so cool.

  7. I knew y'all rocked it on this one but I had no idea it would blow up THIS FAST!! breaking the top 40 in TWO categories in less than 48 hours... WOWZERS!

    You guys have proven yet again the 09-10 chorus is a force to be reckoned with... can't wait to see how high this climbs (and how well future songs do!)

    BRAVO to Dominique & Messale and the whole chorus!

  8. This was the absolute best performance / remake of "Empire State of Mind." Thank you to everyone who made it possible. It is a joy to see our future (the children) doing such amazing things!
    Btw, I posted a blog about you guys on www.LyvetteRobles.Com - check it out...

  9. What up Mr.B??
    omg i love your guys version of that!! brings back meories and tears to my eyes!! love you guys keep it up!!!

  10. Found you through Alicia's tweet and was amazed!!! Well done!!! Greetings from Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  11. Mr B and Kids,
    You guys are simply awesome (I know you get that a lot!) I used to be a teacher back in the day and am now at Columbia Business School. I'm really busy with interviews and classes and you guys make my evening when I check out your latest videos...can I contract you now to sing at my wedding (no prospects in sight so you've got a while!!)???? Good luck this year, I hope you get to do Empire State of Mind at some awesome places!
    Liz McCarthy

  12. May be my new fav.......
    PS love that there is a Panzookie on the Empire State fitting!!!!


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-- MGMT. :)

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