Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Guardian

An awesome write-up of the PS22 Chorus appeared in today's edition of the British newspaper The Guardian, one of the world's most respected news carriers. Check it out here or below. You can also see a previous PS22 write-up in the Guardian here.

1 comment:

  1. I have spent about five hours on this site, laughing and crying at your great, great kids, and obvious enthusiasm for your job--it's so nice to see such a big group of people taking so much joy in their lives!

    You guys remind me so much of a CD from the late-90s, one of my all time favorites, called The Langley Schools Music Project, recorded in Canada in the 70s and found in some out of the way place by a DJ twenty-five years later. It's a great pre-viral video story, and the songs are gorgeous and fun and at times amazingly haunting and beautiful, just like your chorus'!

    This is my personal favorite, Desperado: but there are tons more, and I'd love to hear what you think of them!


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-- MGMT. :)

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