Tuesday, January 26, 2010


This song, just by the title alone, demanded the PS22 Chorus treatment. So we completely changed around the words to the Lily Allen hit, "22", and turned it into an anthem for PS22. And of course, we're all quite proud of the outcome. These kids are just bangin' 'em out one after another, and each cover is coming out golden!


  1. Definitely fitting!... Cool calling card song...

  2. awsome they look beautiful they sound amazing too they also are very talented for 10yr olds

  3. I just listened to the archive interview you did on CBC's Q & had to check you guys out - I'm a former teacher & I think what y'all are doing is awesome!

    Mr. B -
    Have you heard of the Langley Schools Music Project in Canada? It was the the first thing I thought of when I heard about the PS 22 Chorus (there are a lot of parallels -- check out http://www.keyofz.com/langley/)

    The second thing I thought of was the TV show "Glee" -- you guys are like the elementary school, real life version. I saw that you did "Don't Stop Believing" & "Halo" -- can I make a request that you do other songs they've done, especially "I'll Stand By You", "Lean on Me," "True Colors," "Imagine," & "Defying Gravity" from Wicked -- on that last one, I think the stage version would be great if done by the kids with the full lyrics.

    Maybe a sing-off with the Glee cast is in your future!

  4. Je peux seulement dire que vous etes les meilleurs et que j adore vos voix.


  5. I just can't begin to tell you how much I love everything I listen to from the PS22 chorus. It's so beautiful and pure and uplifting to hear these kids sing. I love how the kids are so diverse and you have the "emo" kid singing his heart out just as much as the "jock." I only wish I had this in my school when I grew in NYC.

  6. O.........M..........G.YOU GUYS ARE THE BOMB!Hey,mr.b,can I be an alto PLEASE???????????????????????? FROM,Victor S.

  7. LOL! Sorry Victor, the sopranos need you! :)

  8. love this... great job as always!

  9. come on mr.b.Welll okay.Thanks for the answer.

  10. heyy guys awesome job that song waz amazing ur doin a great job mr.b continue 2 make the future with their voices :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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