Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Star Of Wonder

Here is our final offering from the amazing new album MIDWINTER GRACES by Tori Amos. The song is "Star of Wonder," which is Tori's adaptation of the Christmas traditional, "We Three Kings." Brielle gives another winning performance, and the chorus adds its magic touch to the proceedings. Love this song, and this version.

UPDATE: Thanks to our friend Ashton Kutcher for tweeting and linking to this video on his Twitter page! For more of Ashton's PS22 tweets, start here.


  1. brielle rocks this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. seriously?

    i cannot get enough of you guys!
    this is just beautiful.

    these posts make me remember the joys of teaching. thank you for keeping the love alive in my heart until i return the the classroom
    you and your kids are blessed to have one another.

    happy holidays to you all!


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-- MGMT. :)

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