Saturday, November 14, 2009

Brielle sings 4 Alicia Keys.... (well kinda!)

Here's a video of Brielle singing "No One" by Alicia Keys. I asked Brielle what song she thought she sings best, and this is the one she said. So yesterday at rehearsal I had her warm up with it. And you can check it out below! We think it's a good choice!

And it looks like Brielle knows what she's talking about -- our friend Perez Hilton even sent it to Alicia Keys on his Twitter page! Congrats Brielle and thanks to Perez! Who would have thought a liitle warm-up video would make such an auspicious debut?!

UPDATE 11/15: This video has gone on to earn some YouTube honors, including the #36 Top Rated Music Video on YouTube today!


  1. wow! what a voice... that little thing sure can belt out that song.. i bet ms. keyes would be touched.

  2. Wonderful!!! Such an inspiration! There should be a movie about this chorus! If you are taking song requests - how about "Seasons of Love" from RENT???

  3. awesomeness AGAIN kiddo! keep rocking out~~ can't wait to hear what you were warming up for~~ I am sure it will be as amazing if not better!

  4. her voice is beautiful!

  5. Gorgeous voice :D I have become a fan of you guys instantly!! :) :) I have been a teacher for a few years too, and there's no limit to what you can get from students when you are as dedicated and motivated as you are :D Big hugs Prof. B and kids!!!

  6. wonderful...that girl can sing... her vocie is wondreful and so is the kids in the chorus!!!!!!!!!


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-- MGMT. :)

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