Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Blast from the Past!

While the group is hard at work for their upcoming holiday performances, I thought I'd bring back the performance that started it all! This is the PS22 Chorus of 2010, back when they were in 4th grade, opening up the holiday show last December. We knew even back then these kids were show-stealers! The song is a "Santa Medley" I put together, and Justin & D'ahvionne are doing the awesome soloing!

And one more Christmas-inspired bonus prize -- here is the PS22 Chorus of 2008 doing a reprise of one of their most memorable songs from their holiday show, with the help of Andrew on lead vocals and former student "Saxophone Stevie" giving some extra help with the instrumentation. The song is "Christmas Blues" by blues legend, John Lee Hooker.


  1. It was rather interesting for me to read this post. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.

  2. Mr. B.
    I need an accompaniment version of your "Santa Medley" pretty please! I would like to do it with my 4th grade students here in Tennessee. We don't have a music teacher, so I'm it! I do what I can but your rendition is fun.


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-- MGMT. :)

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