Friday, October 02, 2009

TRIPLE Ashton!

Cheers yet again to one of the chorus's biggest supporters, Ashton Kutcher, for tweeting about the PS22 Chorus and linking to the group's stirring rendition of "Pictures of You" by The Cure. This makes 3 times in a week the kids have appeared on Ashton's Twitter page!! Click here to see Ashton's previous PS22 Chorus tweets!


  1. Hi guys!!

    You are really really amazing!!


    P.s: you should sing Halo of Beyonce!


  2. I've been seeing Ashton mentioning you on twitter and finally clicked the link tonight. What a way to end the day. Makes my heart so full to see what you do for these amazing kids. How wonderful it must be to be making such a difference in the lives of many. BRAVO!

  3. @Diego: Congratulations! Are you some kind of prophet? I don't think there has ever been a request that has been fulfilled on the very same day. ;-)

  4. @selvan lol! yeah, i was pretty blown away by that comment considering the timing.... :)

  5. I just wanted to comment as a future educator that your energy and commitment is just amazing!


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-- MGMT. :)

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