Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Double Ashton....

Congrats to the new PS22 Chorus of 2010, who already have gotten themselves noticed by our friend, Ashton Kutcher, who just the other day linked to our "Just Dance" video from last year's group! (See previous post.) This time he tweeted about the new group and linked to the kids' rendition of "FAME," posted just last week! Way to go kids! This is the first time a debut video by ANY chorus has gotten recognition. Sure sign of good things to come from this group. And just wait until you see what's coming....

To check out more Ashton Kutcher PS22 Twitter action click here.


  1. No big shock~~ he can see the talent this years group has-- GREAT things are ahead for this crew....

  2. Mr.B wrote: 'And just wait until you see what's coming....'
    Will you stop teasing us, please!? ^^
    *constantly checking for updates with impatient anticipation*

  3. I just saw your "Pictures of You" video. It was terrific and grand. How those kids belted the song with such emotion!

    May I have a copy of the piano sheet music, or let me know where I may purchase it? Thanks! You're making a difference in the lives of these kids like you will never how, I can see that.


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-- MGMT. :)

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