Monday, October 05, 2009

QUINTUPLE Ashton....

Yes, our friend Ashton Kutcher (who is slowly starting to feel more like part of the family) has tweeted about PS22 for the fifth time in less than 2 weeks! This time he links to the kids' version of "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac on his very widely read Twitter page! Fantastic!


  1. Ashton is such a great supporter. He really deserved his spot on the new header.

  2. lol, speaking of awesome supporters, next header we'll need to add pics of you and suz... ;)

    your header rocks z! thanks!!

  3. I had fun creating it and I'm very glad that you put it up there! Of course I made it so you would have more time focusing on the music and the videos to upload for us. ;)


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-- MGMT. :)

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