Monday, October 05, 2009

PS22 Chorus Receives COAHSI Award!

It was truly a special day for the chorus on Friday. In addition to the performance the kids gave for Beyonce and Lady Gaga at The Billboard Women In Music Celebration Brunch, the PS22 Chorus received it's second award from the Council of Arts & Humanities in Staten Island. (The PS22 Chorus also received this award back in 2003.) At the ceremony, they ran this video that was prepared by Time Warner Cable, who was kind enough to give me a copy on DVD, as well as permission to post it to our channel and blog. Check it out below.

Brielle, Ethan, and brother & sister chorus members Neil & Ashley were on hand to represent the group, and each child gave a short acceptance speech. In addition, Brielle even give a small a capella reprise of her performance of "Halo" to a room full of dropped jaws! Congrats kids on another amazing accomplishment!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to you Mr. B & kids!!!
    You are all amazing!!
    Keep up the awesome work, and spreading the love of music to so many people!!


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