Monday, August 10, 2009

No Limit!

This is a cheesy song I wrote back when I was 17. The chorus does it incredible justice! (Of course the kids can pretty much sing their alphabet soup and make it sound good...)


  1. OMG, that picture! My eyes hurt! Luckily my ears make up for it. ;-)

  2. They did a great job.... I like the melody...

  3. Cheesy? That was awesome! I am impressed by the kids and that you wrote that when you were 17. You're dynamite!

  4. If you see your views go up may be because I'm playing this over and over and over...tell those kids they got a huge cyberhug today from a lady in Kentucky!!!

  5. A friend on Facebook added a link to one of PS22's YouTube performances. I ended up viewing many more. I especially like this song. And I'm going to share it with my students as they enter the classroom Monday morning...this song has now reached an international school in Asia! May PS22 and their teacher inspire the world! :-)

  6. Seeing the way you inspire and enjoy these kids, I am not surprised to learn that you wrote a good inspirational song at a young age. Kudos - it was beautiful.

  7. If that's cheesy, it's more like a fancy imported French cheese to be served with fine wine for a special occasion. Show us more of your original work!


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-- MGMT. :)

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