Friday, August 14, 2009

Deep Thoughts with Elijah.....


  1. "Not just because we're a chorus but because we like each other."


    I love Elijah!! And I love the message you gave him- everyone has to be themselves!

  2. He is wayyyy to smart.. What an old soul....I would love to spend a day w/him!.

  3. awesome, awesome kid. i wanna be best friends with him. all these kids seem amazing. i love the little friend the background, just hangin out.

  4. Elijah, I definitely agree with you! MTV should be about music but now there is too much reality shows on this program. And sorry for my english but I'm from Poland.
    BTW: You're the coolest chorus I've ever seen and heard!!! And Mr. B is the coolest teacher I've ever seen (and heard too ;D)


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-- MGMT. :)

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