Monday, July 13, 2009

Three Little Birds told me....

Back in October 2006 when the blog was just a baby, I posted a song from this Radio City Music Hall performance from June, 2005. I just discovered this little treasure -- "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley.

Enjoy that and another stand-out song from this performance, "Simple Song Of Freedom" by Bobby Darin. This version owes a lot to The Voices of East Harlem, whose cover of "Simple Song" is one of my favorite recordings of all time. Oscar-nominee Matthew Modine was also in attendance at this performance, and had some really great words after he heard the kids. You can watch a video of that below too.


  1. "blog was just a baby" it certainly did grow up quick!

  2. i love the blog but is there any way you can make it so that the first video doesn't play automatically? I've gotten blasted a couple of times accidentally.

  3. Awww, u've been a great nurturer to these kids... and to future ones as well....Mr. B. u were a kid as well!. lol


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-- MGMT. :)

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