Wednesday, July 15, 2009

David's amazing & Mr. B's a poopypants!

Indeed, I have been called worse. But before we get into the reason for the title of the post, let's watch PS22 Chorus of 2003 member David give one of my all-time favorite PS22 performances. The song is "Not The Red Baron" by Tori Amos, and this version is a classic as far as I'm concerned.

Pretty phenomenal, eh? Now for fun, watch this previously unposted outtake from one of our rehearsals while working on "Red Baron." Hard to believe this goofball is the same soulful kid that gave the performance you just heard!!

Now check out David's American Idol audition back in 2003 with The Jackson 5 song, "I Want You Back."

And NOW learn why Mr. B is a poopy pants as you watch another previously unseen outtake....


  1. glad to see it's all work and no fun!

  2. it's a tough job but somebod... yeah right!! ;)

  3. LOL, nice to see this side of you and the kids!. And yes, his voice is amazing!!. what a heart breaker...

  4. David has wonderful tone and pitch. Also, I'm sure that "poopy pants" was meant as a term of endearment. ;)
    Hey, I'm a teacher, too, so that's the story that I'm sticking to, Mr. B!

  5. Mr. B,
    I keep showing people I know these incredible kids. Of course, under your direction they have flourished and are getting the chance to develop their skills. KUDOS!!!!!!


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-- MGMT. :)

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