Wednesday, June 24, 2009

PS22 Chorus Strikes Like Lightning On THUNDER!

This morning I had the pleasure of talking to the hosts of SCRUBS IN THE MORNING, the morning talk show on radio station, THUNDER 94.5, for an on-air interview about the success of the PS22 Chorus! Apparently the gang, consisting of "Flounder," April Rose, and "Scrubs" himself, became fans of the chorus a while back, and have been discussing and playing the music of our kids for a while now.... The interview was fantastic, and you can see hear it on the audio player above, or by clicking on the link to their website. It was a great interview, and the Michigan-based radio show hosts seemed really excited about the kids and their success! Big thanks to everyone at Scrubs In The Morning for inviting me on to talk about my 60 little bits of pride and joy!


  1. See, I knew u would be hitting all these shows... The sound was awesome on this audio player.... Keep it up!. Congrats to all the kids.

  2. WOW!!! Elijah sounds great on the intro! Glad to know I am not the only addict... I think there will be a 12 step program needed for us to all be weened off over the summer!

    ps-- sign me up as a chaperone on the world tour!! I can make sure they get the academics in since I'm one of THOSE teachers!! ;) ;)

  3. Mr. B.
    I have no clue how I missed all of this during the week. This is an excellent interview - you are speaking for every music educator that I know. It is a constant struggle to keep our programs alive--and no one knows how much goes on outside of the school day. Thank you-are are becoming a spokesperson for the arts (not to put the pressure on.) It is obvious that your passion wears off on your students.
    Please let me know how I can contact you regarding the AOSA National Conference in 2011. I would like to talk to you live, so to speak.

  4. OH!! I love your chorus.. I'm so glad I found your blog! You're such an inspiration, you do amazing work!


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-- MGMT. :)

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