Saturday, May 23, 2009

Stevie IS Happy! And We're ECSTATIC!!

Just got word from Stevie Nicks tour manager that she was completely blown away by the PS22 Chorus rendition of her song "Landslide!" He said she asked him to replay 2 times afterwards, crying each time she watched! Talk about humbling....


  1. hey mr.b wat great news cant wit n yes i am practicing =)


  2. i know! it's incredible, april!! i'm still in shock!! and very proud! :)


  4. What a fantastic way to wrap up a school year!

  5. This is fantastic! What great validation for your hard work as an artist and teacher.

  6. WOW! Keep it up guys and be VERY PROUD! :)

  7. thanks you awesome supportive people!! and congrats amaris! :)

  8. I must say, I have followed you guys since you did some of Tori Amos' songs from her last album, and then she came out and met you guys. It's amazing what you do.

    I'm a HUGE Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac fan, and I hope you guys can work it out to be there in Madison Square Garden. That would be HUGE! Stevie Nicks is a goddess! Love her!

  9. thanks chris, we're incredibly psyched about it, and yeah, stevie nicks is a rock goddess for sure!! :)

  10. Gregg

    From singing Sinead O’ Connor & Billy Bragg on the New Paltz quad to sharing your gift to the world, and these beautiful children. I knew you were truly gifted. Keep up the wonderful work.

    Edwin Toy

  11. now that's a blast from the past! great to hear from you edwin, and thanks! :)

  12. Saw you and the kids do Landslide on beautiful! I hope you guys will be singing it at MSG with the Mac - that would be amazing!

  13. thanks alex, we hope so too! :)

  14. i knew stevie would love it :) i am so excited and i know that concert will be all over youtube!! i can't wait to watch!!

  15. i bet we all are 2 mr.b !!!!!!!!!


  16. yep, i think you're right about that, april!! :)

  17. It's happening! I love when karma makes a grand entrance. How exciting for you and your little singing angels and how special of Stevie to reach out. Just another extension of the most beautiful, timeless song ever. Hearty congratulations! Inform me of any further details you'd like shared on my fan blog, too!
    ~Vivienne Stefani

  18. thank you vivienne, we are definitely crazy excited! the details that i wrote about are all is all i've got at the moment. as more info comes in we'll be sure to post about it. thanks so much for offering to spread the word! :)

  19. I saw your rendition of Landslide on Neatorama, and I have to say, it will stay with me for a long time - thank you.

    God bless,
    New Zealand

  20. thank you so much, LJ! but curious, what's neatorama? :)

  21. I just saw your YouTube video of Landside on another blog. It was really beautiful. I have to admit Mr. B., your line at the end was my favourite part. It really showed a lot of passion for your kids and what your do. Don't Stop! ;-)

  22. thanks dk, they earn every bit of my enthusiastic responses to their job well done. :)

  23. Hi Mr. B and the PS 22 Chorus :) You've got fans all the way on the other side of the world in Singapore! My friends and I have been watching your videos and you kids are amazing :):)

  24. Wonderful !!! I really love Fleetwood Mac ! I'm going to hear this :)

  25. From Catalonia, thank you all for all these wonderful songs, I'm not able to say how I feel each time I listen to "Landslide", thanks a lot to all kids and teachers, great job, wish you the best!!!

  26. Thanks Luis and CAD'A, so happy to hear all this wonderful feedback! :)

  27. Mr. B, You have an incredible gift that you're sharing it with these children and touching so very many lives. What a wonderful way to teach compassion, kindness and love.

    I found Landslide on Perez's site and I've been listening to PS22 songs all night with my children. They truly have the voices of angels.

    Keep posting, keep up your incredible effort. It's music like this that helps keep hope for the future alive.

  28. thank you SF! they definitely give hope that our future is in capable hands. and glad your kids are enjoying the vids too! :)

  29. Woo hoo! This is such a fabulous and exciting affirmation of the gifts and work of you, your students, and Stevie Nicks, Mr. B!

    I loves me some happy endings (and beginnings...)

    Congratulations all around.

  30. thanks shelley! we loves it too! :)

  31. WHOA! Way to go guys! I hope tickets aren't sold out yet, I want to come see the chorus, Mr. B and Stevie!

    I want to go back to school, that school being PS22!

  32. c'mon back then! the more the merrier! ;) thanks abby! :)

  33. I just saw the youtube video of your group singing Landslide on a blog and thought it was awesome! As a retired special ed teacher, I know that music can reach students when other things can't. I'm really proud of your kids but I know your leadership has been their guide. Keep up the good work!

  34. Neatorama is a blog,

  35. ahh! thanks for referring me to it... :)

  36. hhhhhhiiii guess who this is? no clues this time

  37. well you DID give a clue when you said "no clues this time." it must be maimouna!!! :)

  38. I'm assuming that PS22 is no longer slated to perform with Fleetwood Mac at Madison Square Garden, considering that you deleted that part from your blog post. Is this correct?

  39. hi chris, we will only be performing it for the band during soundcheck. it is going to be a surprise for stevie, and then the kids will have dinner with the band. apparently the tour manager and i somehow got our wires crossed when we had our initial conversation. ;)

  40. wow so many comments this is great 43 comments
    ps22 is da bomb for u
    o yo yo yo yo yo yo yo peace

    josh d

  41. yeah, you guys are definitely opening people's eyes to how important chorus is. but i have to say, josh, every time i hear you say "yo, yo yo yo," i'm waiting for justin to start making fun of my hair on the bonnie hunt show.... ;)

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-- MGMT. :)

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