Monday, May 18, 2009

PS22 Chorus on the CBC tomorrow!


Recently CBC, the national public radio of Canada (similar to NPR here in the U.S.), contacted me trying to get an interview regarding the PS22 Chorus's recent string of incredible accomplishments on their very popular Arts & Entertainment show, Q! Tomorrow, May 19th, chorus member Bahira and I will be on the CBC (Radio One) talking about the chorus at about 10:00 AM (Eastern Standard Time.)

The show is broadcast all over North America on Sirius XM 137! So don't miss it! They will be airing some of the kids' music as well, so should definitely be worth catching a listen!


  1. Will be administering our lovely state tests so won't be able to listen but have fun!

  2. Oh, those evil things.... ;)

    Don't worry, we'll be posting the podcast as soon as it shows up.... :)

  3. Just heard the interview on Radio One here in Canada. Absolutely amazing!

  4. I just heard the interview here in Canada and loved it! I immediately went on youtube and thenfound your blog.You guys rock! (and I'm 54). Our big song in chorus when I was that age was Somewhere over the rainbow!

  5. I'm listening to it right now here in Ottawa, Ontario. As soon as they said the school's name, I Google'd it and found this blog posting. Congratulations!

  6. Just enjoyed listening to your interview on the CBC from up here in central Ontario! Canadian schools just marked "Music Monday" (May 11) and this just serves to reinforce what an important part music plays in the lives of kids at school and in society in general. Way to go kids and Mr. B!! Keep making beautiful music!!

    M. Brand
    Peterborough, Ontario

  7. And I just found your choir and blog because of that interview! I am soooooo impressed (and will probably play your songs all day instead of working!) Way to go, kids and Mr. B!

  8. A dad with 4 young kidsMay 19, 2009 at 12:58 PM

    I live in Canada and heard your interview on CBC this morning. I had never heard of the your chorus, so I went to youtube and watched some of the videos.

    I have to say that when I watched the acoustic guitar version of Viva la Vida, I cried. Those kids are so beautiful, so into it, so looking like they love doing it. Seeing them move to the song, touching their chests, it was very inspiring. Fantastic. Makes me want to quit my teaching job a the university and take up a job teaching in middle school.

    When I was a kid in Jr. High and High School, I played in the school band (we didn't have a chior and I can't sing anyway). It was such fun. Sometimes we didn't play that well, but on the nights we played really well - and we did a lot of concerts and touring - it was like some kind of magic. A real rush to be in an ensemble like that and just offer up the music to the pleasure of audience and band alike.

    You're doing a heck of a good job there. There was a great comment in the thread under the video. someone posted "Obama needs to hire this dude for Department of Making Kids have a passion in something", I couldn't agree more.

    My hat is off to you young man. Now that ps22 has hit youtube, you are an inspiration to more than your students. Congratulations.

  9. I listen to Q everyday and this was probably one of my favourite interviews...your kids are incredible and your passion for music and them is inpsiring...can't wait to hear more!

  10. Listened to your interview on CBC. What a great group of kids you work and play with. They say that music helps with all the other things in life, and listening to you I say that's true. I started singing in grade 1 and at 61 am still going strong with our community choir (kids from 5 to 70 and up)

  11. thanks to all of our new canadian friends! i loved reading your feedback and encouraging words for the kids and me. you have no idea how inspiring it is to read comments like these, and please know how much i appreciate each and every one. :)

  12. I live in Canada's capital and heard it while driving in my car -- AWESOME!!!!

  13. thanks tara! so surreal to know the kids are getting heard on such major stations! :)

  14. WOW!!! after hearing all the comments I can't wait to hear the podcast! sounds like another job well done Mr. B!

  15. Thanks Suz, the podcast should be up any minute now. And I'll be posting as soon as it is.... :)

  16. A dad with 4 young kidsMay 20, 2009 at 8:00 AM

    I just went back and watched the acoustic guitar version of V-l-V for the 10th time. As I watched I was thinking, how could you help but love these kids. They are such beautiful little people you kind of want to just hug them all.

    I think if I were in your shoes I'd be so sad each year to have them move on and leave the school. You'd fall in love 50 times every year. I just can't get over how real, graceful, and soulful they all are in what they give to the song. You have made me get out my long dormant guitar. I think I need to make some music again.

  17. thanks dad with 4! that's awesome that the kids have inspired you to make music again.... makes me very happy to hear that! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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