Sunday, May 17, 2009

The 411 On 22!

Just in case you missed it Friday night, here is the segment on the PS22 Chorus as seen on HOLLYWOOD 411 which airs on the TV Guide Channel!

AND EXCITING NEWS! The Hollywood 411 producers were so thrilled with all the great footage they got of the kids, they are going to run a part two of our story when the show comes back from hiatus in 2 weeks!! Woohoo!!


  1. Hi! I'm an elementary music teacher who WISHES she could find some great arrangements of quality pop music like what you're doing. Will you email me to chat about where you're finding/arranging this music? If you reply with your email, I will happily send you a message. Thanks!!!

  2. thank you very much! i'm glad you like the arrangements. i create them. unfortunately, i don't generally have time to write these things out....

  3. You should! I bet many publishers would be thrilled to get your works! Heck, pay someone to transcribe it while you rehearse!

  4. it's too bad the Dept of Ed doesn't allow it, cuz i'd invite you to be our manager.... you've got good ideas. :)

  5. hey mr.b that was really cool nd amazing als o awsome to !!!!!!!!!


  6. hey april,

    well i think you've covered every working adjective -- with the possible exceptions of "fantastic", "fabulous", and "wowsers".....


  7. allie should be a singer when she grows up

    josh d

  8. i LOVE your kids! i swear, i never go a day without thinking about them. allie reminds me of myself (although i think she has a better voice than i do... lol)


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-- MGMT. :)

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