Sunday, May 10, 2009

Gold Dust

Our newest Tori Amos cover, "Gold Dust", performed so beautifully by The PS22 Chorus. Then of course leave it to Justin & Josh to completely ruin the atmosphere with an evil rap.... Evil.


  1. Those kids are hilarious! There must be a fabulous amount of trust between you and your students that brings out the freedom for them to express themselves... even if it is to your demise! haha.
    Is your chorus part of the daily specials at your school, or is it a special group that meets after school hours? Do the students audition for this chorus? I'd love to know more about how you built this program.

    i seriously LOVE these kids!

  3. hey mr.b love the vid i c that u guys learned a new part 2 it nd i also luv the rap lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Keep ringing the bell for the arts! I love what you're doing. Our students need a way to express themselves through creativity. Great work!

  5. OMG! Lovin the rap, Justin is hilarious! Gold Dust sounds awsome too!!!!!

    Miss Lisa

  6. EM&FAM: Thank you, lol! To my demise indeed.... We meet twice a week during regular school hours for about an 1:20 minutes.

    Molly: Yeah, they are pretty amazing!

    April: Glad YOU liked the rap....

    Chris: Woot for the arts! :)

    Miss Lisa: Justin is funny and who knew Josh was such a great beatboxer??? And I'm lovin' me some Gold Dust too.... Thanks for filming it! :)

  7. Somehow I had lost this link but saw this on youtube (I had subscribed.)
    This is AMAZING! The kids sound great, and were spot on! Congrats on all your celebrity meetings this season! :)

  8. :'( im soo jelous .. rihanna ? bonnie hunt show ? *tears* i miss 22..
    thoo u quys sooo amazinq... you deserve it all.. the sonq "gold dust" is beautiful... nd the chrous sounds qreatt :)


  9. RIDMILA: Yeah, the kids have definitely kept your tradition of greatness going! I'm really proud of them, but don't sell your accomplishments with the chorus short. Don't forget, you guys were with me on the happiest day of my life -- May 4, 2007 -- Tori day! :)

    MEL: Great to hear from you again -- happy you enjoyed Gold Dust, the kids really did a brilliant job on it. Thanks for the congrats, it's been quite a year. :)

  10. is this an old video? because i swear i see some familiar classmates. one of the girls in the video looks like a girl named radwa

  11. hi brittany! nope, these vids are new. however, i understand your confusion. you must be talking about one of Radwa's sisters. she has TWO of them in chorus. :)

  12. I do hope Em & the Fam meant to your detriment & not your demise. Would hate to lose you! The boys really were a riot!
    Gold Dust has struck gold. Another beautiful Tori rendition. Kudos to you & the chorus.

  13. thanks bonbon, i was hoping you'd hear this eventually.... :)

  14. i never saw dis bfor but justin looked scared of what mr.b will do to him at 3:55-3:58

    josh d

  15. truth to tell, josh, you BOTH deserved a smack in the head for that evil evil rap!! ;)

  16. i luv da way u talk

    josh d

  17. i love da way you sing.... (and beat box, except when you and justin are being evil.) :)

  18. i miss the times so much :) amazing. even if its old

    - shortyy =D


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-- MGMT. :)

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