Monday, May 11, 2009

The HOFF is a Fan Too!

Add David Hasselhoff to the ever-growing list of celebrity fans of the chorus! On his blog, he is quoted as saying,

"What a great example of how one man can make a difference their teacher is. He has really inspired these kids and they are so talented.... And if they ever want to sing with me, just let me know and I'll be there..."

NICE!!! Thanks to David for the kind words about me and the kids!


  1. Hello Mr B and all the sparkling children. The most beautiful sound in the universe is that of a child singing. I was sent a link to Eye of the Tiger, by my banjo-playing daughter in Alberta, and clicked on it right away because... I started school in a one-room country schoolhouse called PSS # 2 Hagar! I had a wonderful first teacher who cared about me. I am now learning to play the autoharp, and we are a musical family. I am thrilled to see the renewal of the love of beautiful, real music all over the world. I write about and work in the positive change movement, and see your wonderful gifts as a contribution to healing our world. Thank you, and I will be passing it on. Gisele Guenard Sudbury Ontario Canada (PS to Moderator : I would like to post some of your videos on my website, which is being re-designed as we speak. See existing )

  2. thank you for sharing your story, and for the kind words about the kids! as long as site is child-friendly, we love when people link to our vids! thanks! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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