Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This is a dedication to our friend Perez Hilton, who made this request after he posted our version of "Eye Of The Tiger," and is still the biggest factor in helping give our kids some experiences and memories they'll never forget! We hope "Landslide" does him proud! We think it will.... (I'm sure proud... the kids should be too!!)

Acoustic guitar version

A capella version


  1. Love the graphic, and as usual... performances are amazing! I can't wait to hear what my kids have to say about these when they hear them since I make them listen to this song many times a week (version by Al Walsh though-- his is almost as good as good as your kids do!).
    You REALLY need to get working on getting these kids into a studio and putting getting these covers down (in all your spare time of course). I would love to have these on a CD or as MP3's as I'm sure would all your millions of followers.

  2. thanks suz! we'll see what we can do about getting some recordings before the year ends. :)

  3. Mr B-
    i'm supposed to be writing on my blog, not yours, but you got me again. you know, the real american dream is to have a job that you love, which you seem to have acheived. those kids are such the reflection of what you're putting out. a little mission with your paycheck is a beautiful thing.

  4. thanks good! agree with you completely, i'm lucky. :)

  5. I'm so touched by this performance of Stevie Nicks' Landslide. Such a timeless song sung by children makes it all the more poignant. I've featured your video on my Stevie Nicks fan blog and know my readers will just fall in love with your singing angels.

    Here is my post link.

    Cheers, Vivienne

  6. thank you for linking to our version, vivienne! i really appreciate that!! happy to hear approval from the stevie nicks fan camp! :)

  7. OK I randomly saw this performance on Perez and it is amazing. Made me cry and made my heart ache with love and amazement. I am getting married in October and I am walking down the aisle to this song. I wish I could have the kids sing it for me!

  8. Adoration, tears, chills....I can't get enough of your SOULFUL ANGELS! Bob Marley's 'Redemption Song' would be heavenly. Thank you Mr.B., for introducing the world to each and every one of these bright stars!

  9. You guys are amazing. I've been listening to your songs all morning. I wish you had a CD out!!

  10. saw you and your chorus on perez... from one teacher to another- your students have an amazing gift and they are lucky to have such a dedicated teacher to help them succeed. over the years the "academic" stuff from elementary school is pushed aside for the bigger ideas, but this is something those students are going to remember and take with them their whole lives. you should be (and i am sure you are!) very proud of them and yourself!!

  11. hey mr.b luv the title nd the picture below also the yahoo thing is just amazing !! the vid came out really nice it took alot but hey we still did it , and lik u said before u really r an artist!!!


  12. thanks to all of you for the super-kind comments you left! seriously makes my day! my students will be thrilled to see them firsthand next time they get on the blog.

  13. you're amazing april! i'm so proud of you and the rest of the gang. you guys are just non-stop this year!! actually tho, i'm NOT an artist at all! i can't even draw a straight line! are you sure i said that????

  14. I have been following PS22 this year ever since I heard your coldplay cover. You have been inspiring and bring such joy to me and my coworkers. Thank you thank you thank you.

  15. hey its bahira!!!thank perez for me if it werent for his request we wouldnt be gettin 2 sing at madison square garden

  16. i promise that i will, bahira.... :)

  17. I love that these kids are so appreciative and humble! Wouldn't it be awesome if Perez himself could come out and meet them!

  18. bahira's a special kid.... thanks suz! perez has been with us for a while, hopefully at some point the kids will have the opportunity to sing for him in person.... :)

  19. there are a couple of things...first, love your song selections. one day these kids will look back at these songs, and even if they are saying and feeling it now, will be able to relate even more as they face all that life brings their way.
    second, i am looking to work with kids and inspire them. wish i could do it through music but, well, while i love music, i can play, sing or really tap my foot to a beat...jk. you've inspired me to go forward with working with children. looking to work as a child life specialist with children undergoing treatment for illnesses. thanks for inspiring me through your work with children. third, will you marry me?? Juuuust kidding. Keep up the awesome work.

  20. thanks for letting us know we inspired you.... :)

  21. humble, inspiring, and amazing.

  22. WOW!!! Tear after joyful tear i listened and watched your videos... not only do your students have amazing voices the passion they have when singing the songs is contagious!! absolutely wonderful!!! thank you for keeping the music alive in schools!!

  23. thanks for the awesome comment, rute! :)

  24. I was in a school gospel choir 20 years ago and it was the best experience of my life. Keep up the good work. Saw ya'll on Nightline tonight. Loved it! -Teary in Texas

  25. looks like they have an amazing teacher

  26. Utterly, utterly beautiful - I love this song so much and PS22 have really really done it justice. Your videos move me every single time, they're all absolute stars xx

  27. one of the greatest songs ever written! and thanks for enjoying our vids! :)

  28. I can't believe what you are doing. IT is quite amazing. I wish I had a teacher like you back in elementary. These songs that you and the class choose to sing is amazing. Thank you for putting it out there for everyone to listen to. I am so glad I was able to listen to this awesome choir. I hope you will continue with this next year, I'm guessing with a different group. Hope to hear from you and your choir again soon!

  29. count on it, jenny! :) thanks!

  30. These kids are so inspiring and this choir is reminding everyone how crucial school music programs are--thank you for your important work it was such a joy and inspiration to see this video--thank you.

  31. these are amazing kids with an amazing teacher. i always cry tears of joy when listening to you and i'm a 51 year old man.

  32. I'm a music teacher too. When I get frustrated, I listen to your kids because it reminds me why I love my job, and why what we do is important. Thank you, and thank the kids for me too, from the bottom of my heart. What you all do, its soul saving.

  33. That's a YEAH YEAH Out Loud (YYOL) for you and your students; through your encouragement they have learned they are their own best "cheer" leaders! Hur-Ray for you ALL!


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-- MGMT. :)

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