Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thank Q!

Enjoy! Congrats to Bahira and the chorus for more great international exposure! This CBC radio broadcast of the show, Q, was heard all over North America today! The PS22 Chorus segment can be heard below. However the entire podcast can be heard and downloaded on their blog. Just click on the podcast for Tuesday, May 19th.


  1. WOW!!!! I loved Bahira saying how their songs are affected by the type of day outside... so honest! Kudos to her for being so well spoken... not an easy task at that age!

    The kids are finally getting what they deserve as far as more than a 2 minute sound bite-- thanks to all your hard work! enjoy the last few "happy days" of the school year.

  2. Thanks Suz! Bahira's an amazing kid. I'm glad everyone is getting the chance to see (& hear) it! :)

  3. heyy mr.b when i heard that i was really excited for bahira and how cool n awsome that was !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. yes, she represented you guys beautifully. have i told you lately how amazingly cool you are??? the chorus is blessed to have you a part of it, and so am i. :)

  5. I just heard the piece on Q...my husband grew up on Staten Island, and I sang in glee club when I was in high school, so it was triple pleasure to hear about this. (I also volunteer teach at Posse Foundation, which these kids should check out when they're in high school--sends student leaders to top tier colleges in "posses" of 10.) Keep singing. It's magic!

  6. thanks MFC!! glad we were able to pose a triple threat for ya! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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