Thursday, May 28, 2009

Billboard Top 100!!! Wuhhhhh?????

I'm finding it really hard to digest the fact that the PS22 Chorus is singing on an album that is currently on The Billboard Top 100 Album Charts, but as of this week, it is indeed another accomplishment for the kids!!! Congratulations to the boys of Passion Pit for their uncanny success on their full-length CD debut, Manners, which reached to a #51 spot in its first week on the charts! This places Manners higher than some new albums by established rock legends such as U2 and Prince!!

So yeah, congratulations to the band, but serious props as well to the chorus! BILLBOARD!! How many kids your age can say they've sung on an album that made the Billboard charts?? (Can you tell I'm a little proud, kids?!) And I have a feeling the Passion Pit world-domination has only just begun! VERY exciting stuff!

Above is a screencap of a great interview I came across from The Tape, a very cool music blog, in which the band is asked about the kids' involvement in the record. They're response was awesome! The full interview is available online.


  1. Congratulations! Though I bet, you'd score even higher if you released your own album. ;-)


  2. thank you guys! and Z, i don't know about that, but it sure sounds good to me! :)

  3. I totally agree with Z! There is no limit to what you and the kids can't achieve. Yet another feather in ya'lls cap. Keep it up kids!

  4. thanks suz! they've definitely acquired quite a feather collection this year! :)

  5. CAdA will record their 3rd CD in october, would you like to sing something on it ?

    I don't know if it will be in the charts but it would be a great experience between USA and France using internet !

    More about us on our blog ;-)


  6. heyyy!!!!!ITS bahira were awesome did ya tell da chorus????? passion pit + chorus = magic

  7. CADA: ha! that's a great offer! thanks! we're a little tied up at the moment with commitments, but it would be awesome to work with you guys at some point in the future! :)

    BAHIRA: no, actually i totally forgot, with everything that was going on today! MISSED YOU!!!! sorry you missed our visitor today, but there will be MUCH more to come! the important thing is -- feel better!!! :)

  8. Mr. B, I just wanted to let you know that I heard "Little Secrets" on KEXP Seattle and Sirius XMU this's so great to hear the kids on real live radio stations. Keep up the good work!

  9. that's awesome nick! thanks so much for letting me know! :)

  10. My daughter and I just listened to your recording of Landslide. We are both incredibly impressed with your work. She is in select chorus in eighth grade and says she has never heard a chorus sing like yours. Bravo!

  11. thanks go to you AND your daughter, lisa! :)

  12. WHOO HOO! Honestly, I wouldn't have known of Passion Pit so soon if it wasn't for PS22! Keep rockin' guys. :)

  13. appreciate your enthusiasm, rain! thanks! :)

  14. Did you know that Brazil follows the PS22?

    Parabéns pelo trabalho! (Congratulations for the work!)

  15. we're happy to know brazil is taking notice! (and thanks for the translation!) :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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