Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Eye Of The Tiger!

More congratulations to the chorus! Celeb gossip blogger Perez Hilton featured the chorus's new rendition of "Eye Of The Tiger" by Survivor on his blog, and the video has over a 100,000 hits already!! The video has also earned some incredible honors, becoming the #2 most viewed music video on the internet! Check it out below!

Below you can see a screencap from Perez's site of his posting on the kids. Notice in the pic that the title of our post, "ROAR", is the #1 most e-mailed video on his blog today (and yesterday too)!! UNBELIEVABLE!

Below you can read some of the other honors associated with the video! Notice all the different countries that have their eye on the PS22 Chorus tigers!! Wow... just WOW!!


  1. hey mr.b its maya the video was awesome and the picture was so cool.

  2. yep!! and congrats on all this great stuff, maya!! :)

  3. This video has been posted in a very famous blog in Brazil and I really wanted to come here and say: Congratulations! What a wonderfull chorus! Keep this great work!

  4. that's awesome, guilherme! thanks for keeping me posted.

  5. You made it to front news on the Yahoo France website! :)

  6. how cool is that!!! thanks for the heads up. (looks like it's down now, but it's great to know we were there!)

  7. Who did the photoshop of the tiger eye or is it face paint? Is this another of your many talents Mr. B?

  8. photoshop all the way, suz! :) thanks for all the nice comments!!!

  9. Congratulations, you've deserved it. Keep the nice work!

  10. thanks rafael! i'm a lucky son of a gun to work with such amazing kids... :)

  11. I'm just all upset about how I maybe wouldn't have found you guys and seen these videos!!!!
    Happiest thing I could have tripped into and those kids and sing some more!

    Hugs, hugs, hugs to you all!!!!

  12. hey mr.b it is me laura i watch that video all the time and it is very good and awesome!

  13. BLISS: Happy that you're happy you found us! Yes, these kids are too good to miss. :)

    LAURA: You guys did an awesome job indeed and as usual.... :)

  14. 1Music2Unify! :-)

    Please share all my love and secular blessings with all these love warriors. I feel humbled and touched by your inspiring ARTivism brother B.

    Have a ONE-derful weekend! :-)
    If you want to be a rebel, be kind. Human-kind, be both.
    In big smiles + big hugs + service + solidarity,
    Planetizing the Movement of the Ahimsa Revolution from some corner of our round borderless country,

    PS: The photshop is out of these World! Literally ;-)

  15. Awesome! Has your group ever done Toto's Africa? I have always loved that song and have always thought that a young singers group would do well with it!

  16. What for a fantastic chorus !!!
    I'm not in America but I watch your videos all the time and that's my favourite!

    ps: excuse me but I'm not verry good in English and I say that in french:

    Un bonjour d'Allemagne! ;D


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-- MGMT. :)

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