Saturday, April 25, 2009


Mega-celebrity Ashton Kutcher (star of That 70's Show, MTV's Punk'd, etc.) is a PS22 Chorus fan!! Apparently responding to a friend (or fan) who sent him the link to our Coldplay cover, Ashton included it in a posting on his Twitter account along with his praises for the PS22 Chorus:

"I love these kids! I love them."

How amazing is that?!


  1. And it was through Ashton's Twitter post that I found you guys.

    I am utterly speechless. WOW. Please keep up the amazing work you are doing with these kids. They are so blessed to have you in their lives. This planet needs many more people like you.

    These kids are just as amazing. ;)

  2. Lola (8) says: This is really cool

  3. Thanks Stacey & Lola! :) These kids are amazing AND cool indeed! And we're all pretty blessed.... :)

  4. @aplusk posted this link from somebody else.

    Kudos to you PS22. I got goosebumps when I heard you sing. Makes you feel that there is hope... Thank you for making my day.

  5. i'm not quite sure i understand.... but it sounds good to me!! :)

  6. Amazing! Amazing! I started off with Viva la vida and then found myself obsessing over Joga! As long as the students don't end up wearing bjorkish costumes hehehe!

    Can't wait for more.
    And this will be a movie one day ;).

  7. no swan costumes for the chorus! :) thanks!! :)

  8. hi Mr.B, a friend sent me a link to your coldplay youtube video. Loved it. Going to post on my own blog over here in Ireland. Paul

  9. awesome paul! thanks for helping spread the word.... :)

  10. Hey guy, Hey Kids,

    I just wanna wish you all the best from Germany. I even saw ur blog and ur videos and I think its incredible!

    The timing of the kids is fantastic.
    Its a pitty that I dont know any chorus near by me, here in germany, which is as good as you are.

    Kids - you are brilliant.
    It must be a pleasure to make music with you!

    Greets from Germany,
    keep up!

    Bye Bye, Denny

  11. Thanks for those awesome comments, Denny! Glad to know the kids' have earned Germany's respect.... :)

  12. Why the decision to change the Saint Peter line? Love the song with the guitar as accompaniment rather than the piano, seems to let the voices come through stronger.

  13. well the decision was to omit it..... i felt that was a little to heavy for 10 year olds. :)

  14. Alicia Didominzio Naugatuck, CTMay 7, 2009 at 8:01 PM

    I am brought to tears. I heard rumors of this school but saw Mr. B on Bonnie Hunt earlier today and was amazed and have been viewing and reading everything I can about them since. Hours on my computer. I could not possibly put in words how moved I am. "Beautiful beyond Words".

  15. how cool is that??!? thanks alicia!!! (don't forget to eat and sleep tho in between videos or you'll end up a mess like me!!) ;)

  16. I also saw you on The Bonnie Hunt Show and have been watching some of the videos. It's so wonderful how each child is so committed to the song and their smiles show how much they are enjoying themselves. Thank you so much for sharing your love of music with them. Can fans do anything to support you all? PS22 shirts available or anything?

  17. thanks barbara! happy that the bonnie hunt show helped spread the word about these amazing kids of ours! as of now, we have no fundraising plan in effect -- but we'll see what happens. i think selling shirts is a great idea. CDs even better! (we're working on it!)

  18. This is so wonderful... posted it on FB a few weeks ago but it seemed to have been pulled. Glad to have access to this wonderful talent again, and so many other examples of your great work!

    You rule!



  19. thanks supa! glad you found the blog! :)

  20. MR. B!!!! You are one blessed dude in soooo many ways. Blessed with the gift of music in your soul and, as if that were not enough, Your blessings doubled thru these children. What a magnificent concentration of positive energy!!!

  21. that's awesome jerry, thanks! i work off them, so they definitely deserve equal credit. :)

  22. Mr. B,

    Not all of us have that chance to be where you're at. You are heaven-sent to the kids and to this world and so are these wonderful young singers. All the best to you and to PS22.


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-- MGMT. :)

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