Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Brand Spankin' New!

Yesterday's PS22 Chorus rehearsal was pretty incredible! The kids learned 2 new songs yesterday and Ms. Lisa filmed to demonstrate just how quickly this chorus is picking up new music at this point in the year. The first song is called, "Language," by Suzanne Vega, and the next is called "Folk Song," by The Sundays. If they sound this good on the first day of rehearsing these new tunes, one can only imagine how amazing these songs will be after a few more practices!

"Language" by Suzanne Vega

"Folk Song" by The Sundays


  1. Brilliant and beautiful, as always!
    I am once again in awe!
    Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  2. I didn't know brussels sprouts was on here! haha


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-- MGMT. :)

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