Saturday, March 14, 2009

Another "Language"

A few days ago I posted the first rehearsal of one of our newest tunes. It's truly amazing the difference one practice makes! April, who sang the solo on the now-classic PS22 Chorus version of Coldplay's Viva La Vida, demonstrates a an entirely new dimension to her talent! The song is "Language" by Suzanne Vega, one of the all-time great singer/songwriters, and one that has always held a lot of meaning for me. The kids totally do it justice and that's to say the very least..... The PS22 Chorus of 2009 is a forced to be reckoned with!


  1. wow mr.b that came out amazing the chorus came out gud nd everything gud job :)


  2. and you were pretty amazing yourself kid!!! :)

  3. april did a beautiful job i think shes amazing da chorus did do a great job!!!!especially on this song together we made another way 2 show our passion of singin were rockin it!!!!!


  4. heyy mr.b its april i juss noticed that u introduced me nd i didnt even noe it all i have 2 say is thanx =)for everything so far lol


  5. BAHIRA -- Yes indeed, April AND the chorus did a really fantastic job! And your passion is always what makes your performances so special! Well done!!

    APRIL -- You deserved your introduction and more!! :)

  6. hey mr b the video was awsome april did an awsome job im not suprised she is a coach she has a beutifal voice and ms catanzano sayed i can be a coach a gain can u pick me up wit da coches tommorow plzzz joel

  7. you got it kid! see ya tomorrow! :)

  8. Mr. B, I know this is probably a chorus-only comments section, but I had to send you some love and respect. I'm sending your stuff to everyone I care about. And to y'all in the chorus and April, From a New York City Opera soloist, Respect. Mad respect. It's so cool that you all let your emotions into your music!


    P.S. I call for "Kid Fears" by the Indigo Girls. Y'all'd rip that up:

  9. Thanks RR! Actually we have an open-door policy for the comments -- we like hearing from everybody! I really appreciate your message, doubly so, hearing that you're a singer!

    And we'll see what we can do about that request! :)

  10. hey watz up mr.b!! on fridaii when april sang her solo in viva la vida i was gonna cry!!shez so good and she makes me soo happy i luv her voice!!!also when alley sang a thousand oceans i understood the meaning of the song much better and just like u say there are no write and wrong answers because evryone has there own creative imagination especially in language!!!who else would think about writing a song in words about words and why actions mean more than words and how words just dont seem 2 connect to the other person bout what they really mean !!!the absolutly speechless we all deliver the message an we spread much joy!!!keep ROCKIN' IT MR.B!!!!!

    love bahira p.s keep rockin april and alley i BELIEVE IN YA!!!

  11. you know bahira, i'm lucky to have kids like you in the chorus! you're always thinking about others and genuinely appreciate your friend's successes. and you're so humble about your own! your singing on "the call" is brilliant and stunning!! i'm so proud of you, and congrats on that award for "viva la vida!" :)

  12. thanx mr.b and um.. wat does hmble mean???lolz !!and again good jobz april u rock!!!!

    love bahira

  13. 'humble' means you don't walk around acting like you're better than anybody else, even tho you're something special! :)

  14. hey spittah b guess who... yes itz ASHLEY BLAS!! lol u guyz do an aweosme job on all of ur songs im really tryin 2 visit dis year if i kan but i am definetly visitin next year count on dat. i miss u so much n da whole chorus 2 we should have like a chorus reunion! lol anyway luv all ur vids ur still doin an amazin job hope 2 c u soon

    luv ur shw33ti3 ashley blas
    p.s~ plz listen 2 da kids wen dey say mr.b ur spittin on me! joels complainin lol

  15. thanks ashley! will be looking forward to that visit whenever you're able to make it! say hello to your mom and ben for me! (and i'll work on the spitting, but it's just a burden that i AND unfortunately my students too, must bear!!) :P

    miss you!

  16. Amazing! Really, really inspiring.
    I've just begun to teach a chorus in a school in the outskirts of Rome (a rather "difficult" environment socially, not the kind of place where the kids take piano lessons at home if you see what I mean) and I hope someday to be able to enable the kids to sing with that much ease and freedom and emotion. Nora, Rome, Italy

  17. thank you nora! i'm sure your students are lucky to have you!! i appreciate your kindness....

  18. hey thanks! sorry for posting twice. And lots of cheers to all the kids! you're really, really good! nora

  19. April,

    Great job! Seems like just yesterday you were in second grade.

    Congratulations to you, Mr. B, and the whole chorus!

    -Mr. Miller

  20. Thanks Mr. Miller,

    I hope April and the rest of the chorus see your very kind praises!



All comments are subject for approval. So be patient if it doesn't appear right away. I do my best to reply to all comments, but time doesn't always allow. Every comment is read and appreciated, believe me!

-- MGMT. :)

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