Wednesday, January 28, 2009

PS22 Chorus in FADER Magazine!!

Last week, when we were recording with Passion Pit in Manhattan, we were all joined in the studio by reps from FADER Magazine. They brought along a camera crew, and did an exclusive feature on the band's recording process. The band and Chris Zane, the producer, were awesome to arrange to have the magazine's visit coincide with that of the kids. So naturally, the video spent a lot of time showing the rising stars of the PS22 Chorus in action! It's important to note that Fader Magazine is an extremely important showcase of new talent in the music business! The kids are definitely on their way! Especially when considering that they've been the featured video on the home page of FADER Magazine since it went up on the site yesterday. So press play on the above video, and get ready to behold something extremely special.....


  1. hey mr.b it is maya the vidoe is soooo nice!! it was fun watchin it

  2. great video of the greatest chorus, maya!! :)

  3. hi mr.b im at abdulayes house thinking about a web site i need to go on but always forget oh yeah
    :D :]:)

  4. hey moona! you always leave the most entertaining comments! did abdulaye see himself on electric company? :)

  5. OMG!
    and best teacher EVER!!!
    You all are amazing, truly truly amazing!
    Keep up the good work cause music will save the world!!!!!!!!!!

  6. music saves the world? couldn't agree more! and for all your kind words about our music, thanks!! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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