Friday, January 30, 2009


An awesome article appeared in the U.K. paper The Guardian, the British version of the N.Y. Times (which ran a feature about the chorus just last month)!! It was awesome to get this kind of international exposure, and a total surprise! Big thanks to Chris Zane of Passion Pit who forwarded me the article. Click here to read it on The Guardian's website.


  1. I sat at work yesterday and read the article in The Guardian about the choir.
    It spurred me on to go to Youtube and have a look.
    I am speechless. It's simply fantastic.
    Who needs expensive Hollywood productions when you have real life?
    To all involved..
    Thank You.

  2. hey mr.b it is maya it is so awsome that u.k. wrote about us in their news paper!!

  3. Thanks Maya!!! :) And you guys sounded great yesterday.... I love you on that One Day solo with Tirzah!! :)

  4. hey mr.b this is april the video was great with allie . and maya nd tirzah did a great job with 1 day 2. cant belive they wrote about us already in the u.k thatnks 2 chris!!!!! =)

    (i also did a good job right 4 the first time ever video taping the camera that was hard!)

  5. you did a GREAT job with the taping! can't believe i forgot to put that in the post -- going to change that now! :)

  6. I also read The Guardian review last Friday - I tore out the article and put it by my computer, and today I searched for PS22 online. I love the way the children are so into the music and I've specially enjoyed hearing their performance of 'One Day' by Bjork. ALL school kids should have the chance to sing in a choir like this. It made my day! Thank you Mr.B for all your dedication!

  7. thank YOU foggy! so cool to know the kids are picking up fans from all over the world! :) i wish i could get a hold of a hard copy of the guardian here in the states!!

  8. wow mr.b cant belive u really did post that about me im sooo shocked !!!! it must really b a small world 2 have connections lik that where we r gonna b on a another album yeeeaa!!!!! =0
    (p.s. u noe u dint really have 2 do that right but t.y anyway that was really nice of u 2 do that though =) april

  9. you deserved it, and without a doubt, you're one of the nicest students i've ever had. and that's the truth.

    april, i don't know if you realize exactly what this whole album thing means. (i'm not quite sure i can really process all of it either.) but this is a HUGE HUGE deal. we're talking an international release, so this is no joke.

    it's amazing to think what you kids have accomplished this year. beyond belief....

  10. hey mr. b.

    i was 11 when this song was realesed by the kelly family. thats my favorit band ever. and i love this song. thats so great to hear it from allie. your chorus is so great!!!!!
    big hugs from germany.

    eva :)

  11. glad you enjoy what you're seeing and hearing eva! thanks! :)


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