Friday, January 23, 2009

PS22 Chorus Gets "The Call"

Well our friend Perez Hilton has done it again! He posted one of our new videos, "The Call" by Regina Spektor from the movie, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, and within hours of posting has already gotten major attention on the internet! The kids outdid themselves, doing some three part harmonies, and Allie and Tirzah are magnificent as a duo! Perez had requested a song by Regina, and this was the obvious choice. Thanks to Perez for all his support! It makes us so proud to know that he deems us worthy viewing for his mass audience. Here are 2 songs from a rather prolific practice this afternoon!

The Call by Regina Spektor

Everybody's Changing by Keane

Perez was kind enough to send a message to the kids:

Such a lovely rendition!
Thanks so much.
I'm sure Regina will be thrilled too.

Congrats kids on adding to your list of major accomplishments in a year filled with them!! I know you believe me now when I tell you you're the best!! And of course, thanks to Miss Lisa for her beautiful filming!!

Below are some honors the video has received within hours of posting. Also proud to report that the video is the 7th most e-mailed video on Perez's blog!


  1. OH MY GOD!!!! i LUVVVVVV these 2 songs! u guys r awesome and if da chorus from last year and this chorus competed u guys would definetly win! i liv ur voices and ur expression! i miss sitting in those seats. miss u mr.b hopefully i`ll see u soon
    luv, ashley blas

  2. and THAT'S why you're my shweetie! but honestly, every year the chorus has a different sound and personality. you can't compare each group, because it's like comparing apples and oranges! you guys BOTH made/make delicious music!! :)

  3. Hi! A friend of mine recently linked to this youtube video and I couldn't stop watching video after video - you guys are amazing!

    Keep up the awesomeness and especially the great song choices!

  4. thanks for everything tasha! glad you're enjoying the music the kids are putting out there! :)

  5. wow...just watched the regina spektor clip on youtube - brilliant - then i started watching all yr clips - then i did a search for more info - you guys are wonderful!!! cheers - sue

  6. thanks sue! glad you found the kids!! :)

  7. hey mr.b love the vidoes came out awsome!!!!1

  8. You are such an incredibly inspirational teacher. As a fellow educator, my hat is completely off to you. You are making kids love music, and there is no greater gift in the world.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for what you do.

  9. thanks indy! always means a lot coming from a fellow educator! :)

  10. hey mr.b it is maya the vido came out great!!!:b

  11. absolutely, maya. you guys had a great practice on friday! i love these two videos too. :)

  12. Did you see that Keane posted your video on their official blog? Everyone loves PS22!

  13. ha! right in the middle of creating a post about it! thanks for making sure to bring it to my attention tho! very exciting stuff!! :)

  14. This is such a wonderful songs. You kids sing great!


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-- MGMT. :)

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