Monday, January 26, 2009

Keane Approves!

It was a thrill to discover that the PS22 Chorus is currently prominently featured on the the official Keane website! After somebody posted our cover of the amazing Keane song, "Everybody's Changing," the band apparently saw the video and gave hearty approval! Drummer Richard Hughes said,

"We think it's absolutely brilliant!"
You can see a screencap of the site below, with the complete quote from Richard, as well as some awesome comments from the Keane fans!

Thanks to the Keane community for their unanimously kind feedback! And of course, congratulations chorus!! You definitely continue to make your voices heard in a big way!!

Ending this post with a great live version of "Everybody's Changing" by the boys of Keane themselves!


  1. How exciting! I have been waiting for your chorus to get more and more recognition like this - it's been so amazing to watch! Do you guys take requests? :)

  2. thanks cailean! and yep, i always take requests. don't always get around to doing 'em but i'll always take 'em! shoot! :)

  3. Oh now THAT is exciting :) Okay, so Annie (Vanessa Carleton), Hamburg Song (Keane), All the Same (Sick Puppies), the Hardest Part (Coldplay), Heart of Life (John Mayer)...and I could seriously go on and on (but we're not talking about "My Heart Will Go On and on and on" of course). :) Thanks!

  4. Big hugs to all of you! You're fabulous!!! Congrats on your success - you deserve it for working so hard!

  5. thanks lelah! :) btw, are you the same 'lelah' that brought the song to the band's attention??

  6. heyy mr.b this is april i like their video it came out great well so did ours2 lol =) !!!!


  7. Hello! I'm a major Keane fan, and I saw your video on their website this morning. Congratulations!! I've heard quite a few covers of this song, the most publicized of which being by Lily Allen, and this is by far superior to any of them. Your students should be extremely proud! As you said you take requests, Keane have a song called "You Don't See Me" which I'm sure the kids would sing absolutely beautifully! Again, good job!!

  8. thanks sarah, awesome compliment! and i'll look at the song you mentioned! :)

  9. You and Your kids are a wonderful inspiration to so many...Im glad that posted your performance and shared it with everyone.. You do what you do so well that I have no request and will check back periodically to see what you accomplish next.. Thank You for being you...

  10. hi mr.b
    we sound great and i just lokked at "an angel"
    its a very nice song i cant wait to try to sing it!:}

  11. thank you miss blond! a very kind message. i'm very lucky to be able to share in these amazing accomplishments that the chorus has earned for itself. :)

    ALLIE: the song sounds great on you! you're going to lift it to new heights. this might be just a song we do for the sake of recording. it may not be a chorus song....

    MOONA: sorry i couldn't publish your comments, but we can't write about that on the website yet! still top secret!! i have to talk to the whole chorus first and there are still other things to be worked out before we can publish about the cool surprise on the website. i'll tell you guys tomorrow what's going on. promise. :)

  12. super duper promise youll tell us whats going on 2 morrow!

  13. Allie (and Mr. B i suppose haha)-
    i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your guys' version of an angel! it's wayyy better than the original (in my opinion anyway). i think that the version that you sang at the culmination was the most powerful. i actually have it on my myspace profile now!


All comments are subject for approval. So be patient if it doesn't appear right away. I do my best to reply to all comments, but time doesn't always allow. Every comment is read and appreciated, believe me!

-- MGMT. :)

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