Monday, December 29, 2008

They Call Me Bruce....WEBER!!

On December 18th, the chorus had the honor to sing at a party thrown by world famous photographer, Bruce Weber, honoring contributors to his new anthology, "All-American VIII: Nature's Way" (Little Bear Press.) Bruce and friends were definitely dazzled by the sounds of the PS22 Chorus of 2009, and you couldn't miss the alternating smiles, tears, gasps, and joyous laughter from the audience once the group took the stage. Here is a video featuring a highlight performance from the event. The song is, "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood," made popular by Nina Simone, one of the book's contributors.

The kids were in top form, and showed Bruce's guests exactly how they've earned themselves their international reputation! Thanks go, as always, to Ms. Lisa & Mrs. Johnson for the amazing pics and video footage that go along with this post! Below are some more photos from our fun night out in the city with Bruce Weber!

The PS22 Chorus of 2009 Arrives!

Baaba almost ditches Bruce Weber & the chorus to go shopping!

At the pizzeria, Mr. B finds a new calling in life....

The kids take the stage and give it all they've got!

Joey's feeling it too

Putting on a great show!!

Mariah smiles at the appreciative audience!

The kids performing at full throttle!

Bruce Weber all smiles after a great show!

Mr. Weber congratulates the kids!

Group shot outside the restaurant with Miss Lisa and Mrs. Johnson!


  1. hey mr.b its been a while & i just have to say that all of the pics and that one video came out great tooo!!!! i hope baaba sees what u put there about her (as a joke though)!!OH YEA & 1 last thing thanks 4 evERYTHING!!!

  2. you're welcome, anonymous! :) and that was NO joke, baaba is a shopping fiend!! ;)

  3. oh yea my bad its me mr.b APRIL.P anyway, i'll tell baaba when we get back from the break.!!!

  4. glad you enjoyed April! :) you guys had a pretty amazing december!! :) and baaba knows she has a problem.... ;)

  5. hi mr.b it is maya the video and pics came out really good.when i saw the pic of baaba i laughed so hard.=)

  6. Hay mr.B

    this is daniel b i miss u guys and say hi to every one im just sayin that the chorus is great i lovem and mabye next week i see if i can stop by.

  7. hey daniel b!! miss you buddy! hope you saw your amazing TV debut! you guys are on TV right now actually -- channel 13. they got some great shots of YOU in there during the silent E video! so congrats!!! definitely stop by and say hey when you get a chance! :)

  8. hi mr.b its tayesha
    im excited about 2morrow hope u r 2

  9. you better believe it, tayesha! glad to see you on the site!! :)

  10. i mr.b im always on the site!
    like you said its for us
    enjoy ur weekend

    p.s:this iz tayesha and this sunday iz jasons b-day im soo excited cuz were having a suprize party!!yay
    well see you on monday!!bye

  11. hey tay!! glad to hear that you are enjoying the site! today was pretty amazing! congrats! i'll be posting about it later or tomorrow! :)

  12. oh, sorry, i forgot to tell you to wish jason a happy birthday for me!! :)

  13. did you ever do a full length version of "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood"?

  14. nope! we did get up to the bridge but somehow we never quite made it all the way through -- it was a casualty of our tremendous repertoire....


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-- MGMT. :)

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