Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The PS22 Chorus has had an awe-inspiring year! So to bring it to a close, we're now proud to present.....

(in no particular order....)

1) The PS22 Chorus achieves well over 1,000,000 viewings of its videos in 2008, bringing the total number of PS22 Chorus video viewings up to over 2,150,000 as of December 31st!

2) The PS22 Chorus puts out 3 viral videos featured on Perez Hilton's blog (see them all below!)

3) The PS22 Chorus opens for and plays with Crowded House at The Fillmore Irving Plaza in NYC!!

4) The PS22 Chorus performs at the famous Revlon Runwalk in Central Park to help raise money and awareness for women's cancers.

5) The PS22 Chorus kids attend two separate video shoots for the upcoming 2009 PBS revived version of the classic series, ELECTRIC COMPANY (premiering in January of '09 nationwide! The PS22 Chorus will be seen in the very first episode in a video about "Silent E"!)

6) The PS22 Chorus sings at the world famous Lincoln Center

7) The PS22 Chorus appears prominently in the NEW YORK TIMES

8) The PS22 Chorus is invited to perform at Congressman Michael McMahon and wife Judge Judy's inauguration

9) THe PS22 Chorus sing at a private party for the internationally acclaimed photographer/filmmaker Bruce Weber and other very special guests

10) The PS22 Chorus receives messages of praise and thanks from 4 of the musicians whose songs we've covered -- Neil Finn of Crowded House, Karen Peris of The Innocence Mission, Corin Dingley of Alpha, and former student Andrew Canlon!

These are accomplishments of a lifetime, and yet this was only a mere 12 months in the life of the chorus! Congrats on a stellar year! One can only imagine what 2009 will bring!!

At this time, the chorus and I really want to give a special thank you to Ms. Lisa for being with us every step of the way, giving up her lunch periods on chorus days, just to be on hand to help out during rehearsals and performances. She's responsible for almost all of the video footage for the last few years, and many of the best pics on the blog! But most importantly, she just loves the kids and is happy to be around and take pride in their accomplishments. The chorus is lucky to have a friend like you, Lisa, and we adore you to pieces!!!

Below, enjoy some of our most unforgettable videos from 2008. To get more info on each performance, click on the titles above the video to visit the original postings."


  1. Many thanks on the sweet tribute! Absolutely unnecessary though. But hey, thanks for using a decent picture, lol. And with my boys, what more could I ask for on New Years Day?!!


  2. I've never SEEN a bad pic of you, so :P

    Anyway, I meant every word -- you're incredible and deserve the greatest new year!


  3. hey mr.b 1st of all happy new year, and i like the pic wit ms.lisa & her BOYS and i also like the note or letter about ms.lisa 2.i also like the pic wit us at the sunrise place,& i like the way dat u put happy new year from the chorus dat was nice!!.also i love the video of we're brothers 2!!!.

    from APRIL.P

  4. hey april! happy new year to you too!! yeah, you guys have a lot to be proud this past year... and i have you guys to be proud of! :)

  5. Mr. B,
    I follow your blog on blogspot, so everytime I sign on to post to my own blog, I can see what the PS22 Chorus is up to. And every time, you bedazzle and transfix me and I get absolutely nothing done! Your blog is just delightful.

  6. you ARE a good gurl! thanks so much, and i'm honored to be the source of your procrastination!! :)

  7. heyy Mr.b..sryy i took soo lonqq to rite too u..but i remembered..i could never r u ?? semms like PS22 is doin relle good...we miss u a lott... hows evrythinq? hopefully good.. i promise ill talk to u .. i just mite need time though..=]

    miss u a lott=]

    from ridmila=]

  8. how awesome to hear from you ridmila! i miss you lots as well! (ahhhh, the tori amos year!!) :) i hope you're enjoying intermediate school and no worries! write whenever you can -- i know how busy life gets!! but so happy you thought of me and the good ol' days in chorus of 2007!! stay in touch! :)

  9. Hi, I heard of your chorus somewhere (I forget where) and then heard about it again from my old friend of Chris Dicke. I really enjoy watching your kids-it's incredible what you do with them. I'm a chorus teacher too so I know what a demanding job is it! Kudos to you & all your kids.


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-- MGMT. :)

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