Friday, December 26, 2008

A Standing Ovation for the PS22 Chorus at the McMahon Inauguration!

The PS22 Chorus was on hand Sunday, December 21st, to perform at the inauguration of friend-to-the-chorus, newly elected Congressman Michael McMahon, as well as that of his wife, NY State Supreme Court Judge Judy McMahon. They were even kind enough to take time out of their big day, to stop in to spend some time with the chorus.

Allie kicked off the event with a brilliant rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner", and belted out those high notes to perfection! Watch it below.

Then Judge Judy McMahon was sworn in to office. It was an emotional moment as she stood with her entire family accepting the responsibilities of NY State Supreme Court Justice.

Then the PS22 Chorus took the stage to perform. We started with "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay, which seemed strangely appropriate for the occasion! The kids and April on the solo, rocked it! Then Samantha gave an adorable speech, after which the chorus let into a stunning version of "Let There Be Peace On Earth". And it's safe to say the audience was blown away by the kids!



Then the Congressman was sworn in, and a reception followed. US Senator Chuck Schumer was an honored guest, and was definitely thrilled by the chorus as you can clearly see in the above video. (He's the one behind Maya.)

The event was definitely a success, and it was an honor to be able to sing for our friends the McMahons. We thank them for including us in the festivities, and congratulate them on all their success! Below are more pics from the event.

Congressman McMahon shakes the hand of 'Lorpm'. (Sorry Kieron!)

The MacMahon family with the PS22 Chorus

Sen. Chuck Schumer, top right, looks pretty impressed with the kids, eh?

Mr. B concentrating hard, trying not to mess up on the keys!

The kids get a high five from the Congressman as they leave the stage


  1. hi mr.b it is maya that day was really fun.we sounded great!!!!

  2. indeed it was, and indeed you did! :) hope you're having a great vacation!

  3. it was a fun day
    hi mr.b
    sorry i havnt written to you in a while!iv been sick.AGAIN.
    anyway,sorry. see you soon
    (couldnt you tell it was me when i said sick!)

  4. oh yeah, allie, whenever i hear the word "sick", you're the first person that comes to mind!! ;) hope you're enjoying the break -- though you're NOT supposed to get sick on vacation, young lady!! :)

  5. im sorry im sorry
    its always me who gets sick but i should be fine by monday!!!
    happy new yearand see you soon

  6. yeah, you're our favorite sickie! happy new year!!! get that voice ready for next week! HOT TEA!!! :)

  7. its a good thing i love tea and im alays cold so itll help my voice and warm me up

  8. it's a good thing you love tea, but it's a BAD thing that you're always getting sickies!! so, errr, yeah, drink more tea! :)

  9. hi mr.spitterb.thats a nice pic plus that was a fun trip!i hope your having a fun newyear.oh yeah its Tashee.

    ps if you have time can i try out for a solo?

  10. sure tash! hope you're having a happy new year!! you guys deserve a rest after such a crazy december!! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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