Wednesday, December 24, 2008

PS22 Chorus brings some Christmas cheer to Nana

On Monday, Dec. 22nd, the kids sang for the elderly at my grandmother's senior home. I was never so proud of my chorus than I was seeing them interact so sweetly with my nana and her friends. My grandmother doesn't make much sense these days, and I prepared the kids for that, and watching them with her and the others is just the most heart-warming thing for me.

The song isn't really important -- it's actually one that the fourth graders sang at the holiday show, that I never rehearsed with these guys. But we were just looking for anything to keep the show going. Fortunately the kids pick stuff up pretty quickly these days.

Along with the Tori meeting video, this is probably my all-time favorite PS22 Chorus video. The kids are hardly singing at their best, but who really cares.... It shows what's BEHIND their best, and that's tremendous heart. The singing, in this case, is only incidental. And that's what makes this a posting that I'm very proud to share.... More pics below!


  1. Merry Christmas to you, Mr. B., and to the kids and your Nana too!

  2. Mr. B., your little blog has sure brightened up my holidays! I adore the chorus and it cheers me to see someone that loves their Nana as much as I love mine. Best to you and yours.

  3. thanks soul! and to you too!! :)

    and yes, michelle, nana's number 1 for sure! :)

  4. Mr. B,
    You leave a trail of stardust everywhere you go! Your nana has a beautiful child.

  5. thanks yogood,

    yo good indeed! i can't argue with that. that beautiful child is my mom! ;) thanks, seriously!!

  6. You and the kids are lucky to have each other in your lives. Please keep doing what your doing. I wish more children have people like you to teach and believe in them. You have made a difference not only in their lives, but you're an inspiration for me to be a better person, too. Thanks for caring so much.

  7. lucky indeed! thanks so much, and it's wonderful to hear how you've been inspired! (i know the feeling!!) :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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