Friday, September 19, 2008

The PS22 Chorus Is STRANGE!

While the new chorus of 2009 is hard at work breaking in its 22 new additional members (appropriately enough) that we added today, I figured I would dig through the archives to see what I could come up with. And I found this vintage PS22 Chorus performance from the 2005 Holiday Choral Concert featuring The Doors classic, "People Are Strange." A real treat!

1 comment:

  1. Subject: Rockin at PS22

    Hello PS22 Chorus and Teacher Greg!

    I don't even remember how I first came across hearing about your awesome PS22 chorus but I immediately bookmarked your blog and I must confess that each time I click on the link, I become a happy and smiling person. You and your kids are beautiful, inspiring, joyous and all things good. The collective dedication to education, music, and the arts is beyond admirable. A special award should be made for you! I love your non-traditional song choices but what I love more is that such young people love singing unfamiliar music! The videos you post are filled with interested, inquisitive and giddy young faces. They like it!! An obvious eagerness at learning practically jumps though my computer monitor! I can only imagine how proud their parents must be. The kids really DO like the music and the direction! What you do is impressive beyond words and your chorus is amazing--what lovely and budding little souls inside those children. You, your chorus, and your school are providing incredible guidance and care to bright and insightful minds. I commend you in unspeakable ways. You are what education should be; you have done your job tenfold and you should be thanked for it. Thank you PS22, thank you so very much!

    Many thanks for a job well done and a thousand wonderful wishes to you all!
    Andrea Baylis


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-- MGMT. :)

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