Saturday, September 13, 2008

First Impressions!

First impressions are really important, and we have no doubt that this little sneak peak at only the 3rd official rehearsal of the PS22 Chorus of 2009 will leave you excited for things to come! Here they prove that point with the Converse promotional tune, "My Drive Thru" by Pharrell, Santogold, Julian Casablancas, and N.E.R.D.. And while we may still be a bit rough around the edges, we've only been practicing for less than 2 weeks. And all the hard work is resembling a party more than anything else with these guys, as you will be unable to miss when you watch the video!

And here are a few more videos from rehearsal today, featuring only a few of the promising PS22 Chorus soloists. Unfortunately this was Sandria's last day at PS22, but we're STILL hoping maybe she'll be back.... Girl's been known to come and go.... (Seriously, we will miss you Sandria, and big sister Ashleigh too. We wish you both the best in your new schools, which are lucky to have you.

Allie singing "Invisible" by Clay Aiken

And Tirzah singing "Family Portrait" by Pink

Looks like good things are to be expected this year from the PS22 Chorus of 2009! Stick around.....


  1. Very nice. It's nice to see that there are teachers out there that really LOVE the job they do - and of course it shows.

    God Bless

  2. hey mr.b its james again they sound really good.that song u sang was good because sandria sang it 4 u.i got a Q and A whos doin the sound box this year????? just curious.i will or am going to ps22 next week.ill come with jarred and brandon G.

  3. hey james! glad to hear you're coming for a visit soon with your crew! :) but you didn't have to rub it in about me only sounding good cuz sandria was singing..... just mean. :P i actually haven't chosen a sound person yet. the school-year's still young, but no matter what, you and robert are going to be hard acts to follow!

  4. heyy mr. b this is april. Nice pikk with you, sandria, ally and tirzah.

  5. mom is impressed

  6. Mr.B I lIKE the picture It hass thee sapronoss whoooohHoOOo!!cAnt wait till We GET oUR shirts By the way wen are we gettin them

  7. hey mr.b or now that im in 6th grade can i call u gregg? just kidding. that was amazing all of them are i love the new song amazing!. u have an amazing outstanding chorus!!! i will sooo be at the holiday show!
    ASHLEY B!!!

  8. Hey Ms.B I really Like the picture of the sapronos clapin itss Funnny wee evem look funnyy:]I beTTER sTART BRINGIN MYY WATER BOttless Its soooo hot in the atatorium!!

  9. ZIYENA: Sorry I missed your message, it was sent to my spam folder.... All your kindness is appreciated -- thanks for watching!!

    ALLIE: Means a lot coming from your mom!! She knows good music!

    ARSELLY: Shirts are coming VERY soon, the best ever in fact!! And yeah, bring that water bottle kid!!

    ASHLEY B: Mr. B works just fine, watch it kid.... :) And thanks for the kind words about the new group!

  10. hey mr.b its be mariah!!!!!luv dee websit3 its so prettyfull!!!i heart the song we did so fun!! ma mom sed its sooo cool!!!

  11. hi mariah! so happy your mom enjoyed the video! i bet she's pretty proud, eh?? you guys sound so good, and the year has barely begun!! :)

  12. TodAY Was a awSummm dayy in chorus
    Waww!!!!The new kidz were sooo goood and in ther first Dayy.And wawwwww again!!!!wawwwwwwww!!!!!!!

  13. Hey Arsewwy! :) Today was fun indeed! And of course the new kids are good!! They have great role models to follow in you old timers!! :)

  14. the shirts are

  15. I'm most pleased with them as well.... :)

  16. hey mr.b havent seen ur shirts maybe u could post a pic ashleyb

  17. i'll be doin' that soonly, ash! :)

  18. sorry i kno ur busy

  19. never too busy for you, buddy!! :) sorry for what????

  20. for buggin u while ur i`ll be comin 2 see ya soon

  21. NEVER too busy for you, buddy! looking forward to that visit big-time!! how's intermediate school? do you have music????

  22. we have band and im talkin to the assistant princible trying to convice dem to have chorus! its really good. hows the new group doin so far? any trips?

  23. Dear. spiter B.
    When i heard tearsa sing family portrait i started 2 cry.She sang that song so beautifly.Then i listend 2 that song on youtube and i loved that version 2.

    -sad ambuh

  24. ASHLEY: That's awesome that you're taking the initiative to try to make sure you get what you deserve! I'm so proud of you for trying...... Let me know how it's going with that, or if you need my help. :)

    SAD AMBUH: Tirzah definitely did an AMAZING job on Family Portrait! She sings so soulfully, and that song sounds like it was made for her. I think I may like her version better than Pink's.....

    MISS YOU BOTH!! :)

  25. wow! mr.b i guess those comments really improved huh? im gonna miss chorus on tuesday ,boo hoo =(

  26. oh yea mr. b i forgot 2 put that it is from me and i mean me as april .p im sorry!!!!

  27. Ha! I know, April. I wish the holidays fell on Wednesday and Thursday, but no such luck!! :( I don't like missing even one practice with you guys....

  28. hi mr.b it is me well by me i mean maya.i like the song that tirzah sang it sounds really nice.we have to miss chorus on tuesday =(i love chorus on tuesday.also the song that sandria sang.the song you tryed to sing lol.from maya

  29. hi mr.b its aminah i just wanted 2 say i miss u guys

  30. MAYA: Tirzah definitely sounds amazing, as well as Allie & Sandria in their vids.... We gotta get you singing something solo up here soon!! :)

    AMINAH: I MISS YOU!!!!!! So happy to hear from you. When are you coming to say hello??? :)

  31. how are u mr.b ??? ummm ill be comin soon how do i get in lol should i stay and wait outside? lol cause hat ime i went it rained:]


  32. yay! happy to hear you're coming to visit natie!! you can try either way. and whichever one works is the best way!! ;)

  33. Would love to know where Tirzah is now! Love what you do.. Their music always brings me to tears! Brooke Lynn

  34. everyone has changed soo much throughout the year, it's amazing. the kids in the ps22 chorus of 08/09 are my age. yet it's like... i don't know. they're not afraid to be themselves, they're not afraid to express their interests in music & singing. i mean, honestly, at my elementary school, if you had even REMOTELY expressed an interest in singing, it would be death by the gossip squad. no joke... and just wondering, did allie, tirzah, and mariah go to the same middle schools?
    -Joy (jumpforJOYxD on youtube)


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-- MGMT. :)

PS NO spam will be permitted.