Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Today marks another major milestone for us! On April 23rd, 2008, the chorus celebrated its 1,000,000th viewing of a PS22 Chorus video on the internet! Congrats chorus, and just....holy cow!! How proud you guys make me!!


  1. wow spitter b! 1,000,000,000 views???!!!! we must be totally awesome!!! which i knew we were all along we`re climbing up and gonna reach the top!!!
    Ps that picture of isaiah isnt half bad(:

  2. pretty insane, eh?! congrats on that crazy cool accomplishment! you guys already are on top! :)

  3. simply beautiful music. kudos to you and your entire ps22 family. i found you on perez hilton and i'm glad i did.

    if you like tori amos you may also enjoy listening to patty griffin. start with Living With Ghosts cd.

    best of luck to you and ps22. over 1 million views are very well deserved.

  4. thanks so much for the praise! i'll have to remember to look into miss patty griffin.

  5. Congrats are in order, but 'thank you's' even more! The video is fantastic and a great inspiration to music lovers world wide. Please keep singing and posting, so we can follow your work.

  6. Hi there!
    i just found you on the perez website too!and what a wonderful suprise..your music put a smile on my face for the rest of the day :)it's so great and inspiring to see all the kids so happy and so into the music!

  7. Please post more videos! I am a teacher in California and I will be showing my students the wonderful things you and your students are accomplishing. Thank you for going above and beyond!

    Mrs. C

  8. thanks julie and mrs. c. nice comments! :)

  9. You guys are amazing.. it brought tears to my eyes..
    Please keep up the good work, Mr. B!

    Greetings from Holland!

  10. thanks holland! (first time i got to address a whole country.) :)

  11. Hi from Barcelona (Spain)!!!
    I found you on Perez as well, and i have to declare myself as a big fan of u all! U r just amazing!!!

    I love Tori Amos. U have to try as well with Hallellujah (but Jeff Buckley version), i'm sure that it could sound as heaven with this angels' voices.

    Lots of hugs and kisses from here,


  12. i love hallelujah. but i think i'm the last one on earth that stands by the original -- though the buckley version is great too. thanks for the comment, laura.

  13. What an amazing teacher and group of students there. I stumbled across the "Flying Dutchman" video on and have been so moved by these talented people. For the past hour a co-worker and myself have scoured through your videos and with tears streaming down our faces enjoyed every moment of it. Keep up the great work and sing to the heavens~

  14. glad you found us! hope the office is in good spirits for the rest of the day! thanks for everything!


  15. y did u put isaiah`s pic???
    But u know me i`m not complaining!!!!!!(:

  16. cuz his face fit the caption. :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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